

The International Positioning of the Function of Upper Secondary Vocational Education and the Paths for China



According to data released by the OECD and EU databases,the functional positioning of upper secondary vocational education in OECD and EU countries mainly includes three types:enrollment function,employment function,and lifelong learning function.In the past decade,the functional positioning of upper secondary vocational education in OECD and EU countries has shown a clear development trend,that is,high school vocational education is mainly focused on further education and the employment function is still strong,and lifelong learning function is highly valued.Research has shown that the external driving force of the level of scientific and technological development in various countries,the driving force of higher education opportunities,and the internal driving force of vocational education systems are the main driving forces for the transformation of the functional positioning of secondary vocational education in OECD and EU countries.Facing the future,in China,the trend of upper secondary vocational education demonstrating the function of further education is irreversible,and the diversification of talent cultivation models and contents cannot be delayed,and the function of serving lifelong learning for the whole population urgently needs to be implemented.





secondary vocational educationfunction orientationenrollmentemploymentlifelong learning

《职业技术教育》 2024 (004)

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