

Imaging evaluation of duplication of the internal auditory canal


目的 分析内听道重复畸形(duplication of the internal auditory canal,DIAC)患者CT及MRI影像学表现,提高对该畸形的认识,为人工耳蜗植入提供术前依据.方法 回顾性观察20例(24耳)DIAC患者内耳多层螺旋CT(MSCT)及MRI资料,测量并分析病变组与对照组内听道及蜗神经孔宽度.结果 DIAC均为内听道狭窄及合并其他颞骨畸形.MSCT示21耳、MRI水成像示16耳内听道由骨性分隔成双管.MRI水成像示前庭蜗神经纤细.病变、对照组内听道宽度及蜗神经孔宽度均有统计学差异(P<0.001).6例(8耳)行人工耳蜗植入术后听力均有不同程度恢复.结论 DIAC均显示内听道狭窄,MSCT所示骨性分隔为其特征性征象,MRI水成像示前庭蜗神经发育不良,联合两种影像检查方法可为本病诊断和人工听觉植入提供客观参考依据.

OBJECTIVE To analyze the MSCT and MRI imaging manifestations of patients with duplication of the internal auditory canal(DIAC),improve understanding of the deformity,to provide preoperative basis for cochlear implantation.METHODS Retrospective observation of 20 cases(24 ears)of DIAC inner ear multi-spiral CT(MSCT)and MRI data,measurement and analysis of the width of the internal auditory canal(IAC)and cochlear nerve canal in the lesion group and the control group.RESULTS All DIACs had stenosis of the IAC cambined with other temporal bone malformations.MSCT shows that the 21 ears IAC,while MRI hydrography shows the 16 ears IAC divided into double tubes by bone.MRI hydrography shows a slender vestibulocochlear nerve.There were statistically significant differences(P<0.001)in the width of IAC and cochlear nerve canal between the lesion group and the control group.Six cases(8 ears)had varying degrees of hearing recovery after cochlear implant surgery.CONCLUSION DIAC shows stenosis of the IAC;The bone septa shown on MSCT are its characteristic fertures;MRI hydrography shows underdeveloped vestibular and cochlear nerves;The combination of two imaging examination methods can provide objective reference for the diagnosis of this disease and artificial auditory implantation.


广西医学科学院,广西壮族自治区人民医院放射科,广西 南宁 530021首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,耳鼻咽喉头颈科学教育部重点实验室(首都医科大学),北京 100730首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 放射科,北京 100730


Ear,InnerTomography,X-Ray ComputedMagnetic Resonance Imaginginternal auditory canalduplication of the internal auditory canal

《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 2024 (002)

92-96 / 5

