

The effect of selective attention on electroencephalography responses to high-level hierarchical linguistic structures


目的 探讨听力正常人在选择性注意影响下言语感知的大脑神经机制.方法 入组32名正常人,操纵受试者的选择性注意,将同时播放的两段语音流区分为目标/干扰言语,采集受试者聆听时的脑电信号,使用频谱分析计算两类言语引发的能量响应,对比二者在字、词、短语水平上引发的能量差异.结果 目标言语和忽略言语在词水平(2 Hz)的脑电响应存在显著差异,而在字(4 Hz)和短语(1 Hz)水平上未观察到目标言语和忽略言语间脑电响应的显著差异.结论 选择性注意主要在词语水平快速有效的加工编码感兴趣语音流,使其与无关语音区分开,该研究初步揭示选择性注意调节下大脑如何表征听觉语言信息并构建不同语言层级单元,为听力障碍患者的助听算法提供理论模型.

OBJECTIVE To explore the neural mechanisms underlying the speech perception in individuals with normal hearing under the influence of selective attention.METHODS There were 32 individuals with normal hearing who were recruited.By manipulating the participants'selective attention,two simultaneous speech streams were differentiated into target and interfering speech.Participants were guided to complete an auditory perception electroencephalogram(EEG)experiment.Fourier spectrum analysis was used to calculate the spectrum responses induced by the two types of speech,and the differences in EEG energy values at the levels of character,word,and phrase were compared.RESULTS This study observed significant differences in the EEG responses between target and ignored speech at the word level(2 Hz),while no significant differences were observed at the character level(4 Hz)and phrase level(1 Hz).CONCLUSION In environments with multiple speech streams,selective attention primarily processes and encodes the interested speech at the word level rapidly and effectively.This study preliminarily reveals how the brain represents auditory language and constructs different language hierarchy units under the modulation of selective attention,providing a theoretical model for hearing aid algorithms in hearing-impaired patients.


首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院,北京市耳鼻咽喉科研究所,耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学教育部重点实验室(首都医科大学),北京 100005首都医科大学生物医学工程学院,北京 100069


Speech perceptionAttentionLanguageElectroencephalographySelective attentionHigh-level language processing

《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 2024 (002)

101-104 / 4


