

Determination and Evaluation of Cyanoside Content in Flax Germplasm


为进一步评价亚麻种质亚麻苦苷和百脉根苷含量的变异特征,本研究以20份亚麻种质为材料,利用高效液相色谱结合蒸发光检测仪测定亚麻苦苷和百脉根苷含量.结果表明,亚麻苦苷含量的均值为0.56± 0.25 mg·kg-1,变异系数和遗传多样性指数分别为42.19%和31.26%;百脉根苷含量均值为0.25±0.24 mg·kg-1,变异系数和遗传多样性指数分别为60.67%和41.96%;亚麻籽亚麻苦苷、百脉根苷和二者总含量相互之间均极显著正相关.亚麻苦苷和百脉根苷含量与亚麻产量和品质相关性状的相关性分析表明,亚麻苦苷与棕榈酸之间显著负相关(-0.133),与其他脂肪酸相关性状之间不显著;亚麻籽亚麻苦苷、百脉根苷和二者总含量均与株高极显著正相关,其中与二者总含量的相关系数最大(0.216);聚类分析结果表明,遗传相似系数0.70时分为20个亚麻种质3个类群,第一类群种质的亚麻苦苷和百脉根苷平均含量较低,分别为0.46和0.11 mg·kg-1,这一类群中的内亚六号、H 140、内亚七号、内蒙红、CDC ARRAS、NOR MAN和晋亚8号这7个品种可以加以推广利用.

In order to further evaluate the variation characteristics of the content of linamarin and lotaustralin in flax germplasm,this study was carried with 20 flax accessions and measure of high-performance liquid chromatography combined with evaporative luminescence detection determining the content of flaxseed linamarin and lotaustralin.The result showed that the average content of linamarin in flaxseed was 0.56±0.25 mg·kg-1,and the coefficient of variation and genetic diversity index were 42.19%and 31.26%respectively.The average content of lotaustralin was 0.25±0.24 mg·kg-1,and the coefficient of variation and genetic diversity index were 60.67%and 41.96%respectively.There was a significant positive correlation between the content of flaxseed linamarin and lotaustralin and total content.The correlation analysis between the content of flaxseed linamarin and lotaustralin and the yield and quality related traits of flaxseed showed a significant negative correlation(-0.133)between flaxseed linamarin and lotaustralin,but not significant with other fatty acid traits.Flaxseed linamarin and lotaustralin and total content were positive correlation significantly with plant height,and the correlation coefficient(0.216)with the total content of cyanogenic glycosides was the highest Clustering analysis showed while the genetic similarity coefficient value was 0.70 accessions was divided into three groups,and the average content of linamarin and lotaustralin in the first group was low,0.46 mg·kg-1 and 0.11 mg·kg-1,respectively.Seven varieties of Neiya 6,H 140,Neiya 7,Neimenghong,CDC ARRAS,NOR MAN and Jinya 8 in this group could be widely used.


内蒙古农业大学 科技园区/农学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019内蒙古大学 生命科学学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010070


flaxcyanogenic glycosidescoefficient of variation

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (004)


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