

Multiscale Research Progress on Damage Behaviors of Composite Solid Propellants



The damage behaviors of composite solid propellants were reviewed from four aspects:micro scale,meso scale,mac-ro scale and cross scale.During this process,the observation and characterization methods of damage at different scales,deter-mination methods for damage thresholds,construction methods for damage evolution models,numerical simulation methods for damage,and macro-mesoscopic cross-scale analysis methods were summarized.Based on this,to several shortcomings in cur-rent research,the future research directions that need to be further focused on are as follows:expanding the range of influencing factors to be considered in numerical simulation of damage behaviors for composite solid propellants at the microscale,and strengthening the verification of simulation results with experimental research conclusions from multiple aspects;improve the ob-servation ability of damage experiments at the meso scale,the characterization level of damage evolution models,and the com-putational accuracy of damage numerical simulations;improve the detection accuracy of damage identification testing at the macro scale,the accuracy of determination methods for damage thresholds,and the predictive ability of damage evolution mod-els;further establishing a theoretical method system for cross-scale study of the propellant damage behaviors based on the devel-oped standard specification for the study of damage behaviors for composite solid propellants in single-scale.


火箭军工程大学,陕西 西安 710025海军装备部驻北京地区军事代表局,北京 100071



composite solid propellantdamage observationdamage characterizationdamage modelnumerical simulationmultiscale

《含能材料》 2024 (004)

435-464 / 30

国家自然科学基金(22205259),陕西省高校科协青年人才托举项目(20190504) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.22205259);The Youth Talent Promotion Plan of Shaanxi University Science and Technology Association(No.20190504)

