

Bibliometric Analysis of Research on the Megacopta cribraria


筛豆龟蝽(Megacopta cribraria)是一种重要的大豆害虫,严重影响大豆的产量和品质.本文采用文献计量学的方法,以中国知网和Web of Science为数据源,整理出1958年至2023年发表的与筛豆龟蝽相关的中英文文献,利用VOSviewer等软件分析筛豆龟蝽的研究现状和发展趋势.结果表明,国内外共有146篇研究筛豆龟蝽的期刊文献,包括中文文献31篇,外文文献115篇,分布在134个出版物中.1958年中国学者发表了第一篇关于筛豆龟蝽的调查报告,国内外发文量多集中在2013年至2019年,美国和中国是发表论文数量排名前两位的国家.研究人员来自8个国家以及139个研究机构.国内热点关键词包括发生与防治、发生规律、大豆、环境适应性等,国外热点关键词包括龟蝽科、鉴定、多样性等.目前国内外关于筛豆龟蝽研究内容涉及昆虫学、昆虫生理生化、生物学、生态学等领域.

Megacopta cribraria is an important plant-feeding pest of soybeans,which seriously affects the yield and quality of soybeans.Using the method of bibliometrics,we sorted out the journal documents related to the Megacopta cribraria that were published at home and abroad from 1958 to 2023,with China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)and Web of Science as data sources,and analysed research status and development trends of the Megacopta cribraria.The results showed that,there are 146 journal documents at home and abroad that study the Megacopta cribraria,including 31 Chinese documents and 115 foreign documents,distributed in 134 publications.In 1958,Chinese scholars published the first research report on the Megacopta cribraria.Most of the publications at home and abroad were concentrated from 2013 to 2019.The United States and China are the top two countries in terms of the number of published papers.Researchers come from 8 countries and 139 research institutions.Domestic hot keywords include occurrence and control,occurrence patterns,soybean,environmental adaptability,etc.,while foreign hot keywords include Plataspidae,identification,diversity,etc.At present,domestic and foreign research on the Megacopta cribraria includes the fields of entomology,insect physiology and biochemistry,biology,ecology and other fields.


吉林农业大学 植物保护学院/农业农村部大豆病虫害防控重点实验室,吉林 长春 130118吉林省农业机械研究院,吉林 长春 130022

筛豆龟蝽文献计量数据库CNKIWeb of Science

Megacopta cribrariabibliometricsdatabaseCNKIWeb of Science

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (004)

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