

Arch Shed Seedling Cultivation and Transplanting Mode of Spring Sowing Sesame


为充分发挥芝麻作物的移栽特性,探索新的芝麻栽培模式,河北省农林科学院粮油作物研究所结合近年来的试验示范和生产实践,总结出芝麻拱棚育秧移栽技术模式.模式中的技术要点确立了拱棚地块选择、播种量、拱棚育秧技术、秧苗移栽技术、施肥五项关键指标标准.分析了该模式的4个优点,有效缩短生育期、高产稳产并举、减少虫害防治次数、病害发生与平种模式无差异,缺点是不适用于6.67 hm2以上规模化芝麻种植园区.芝麻拱棚育秧移栽模式对扩大种植区域和快速形成生产力具有重要意义.

In order to fully utilize the transplanting characteristics of sesame crops and explore a new sesame cultivation mode,the sesame arch shed seedling cultivation and transplanting technology mode has been summarized based on the experimental demonstrations and production practices in recent years of the Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.The standards of 5 key indicators in this mode have been established,including selection of the arch shed land,sowing amount,arch shed seedling cultivation technology,seedling transplanting technology,and fertilization.Four advantages of this mode are analyzed,such as effectively shortening the growth period,promoting both high and stable yield,reducing the frequency of pest control,and having no difference in the disease occurrence compared with the nornal planting mode.The disadvantage is that it is not suitable for large-scale sesame planting parks with an area of over 6.67 ha.It is pointed out that the sesame arch shed seedling cultivation and transplanting mode has the significance of ex-panding the planting area and quickly forming productivity.


承德市农林科学院 农作物研究所,河北 承德 067000阳原县农业农村局,河北 阳原 075800宽城县农牧局,河北 宽城 067600河北省农林科学院粮油作物研究所,河北石家庄 050035


Chengdespring sowing sesameseedling in arch shedtransplanting

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (004)

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