

Integrin and N-cadherin Co-Regulate the Polarity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Mechanobiological Mechanisms


目的 研究整合素和N-钙黏着糖蛋白(N-钙黏素)介导的力学黏附对间充质干细胞极性的协同调控作用,并探索其力学生物学机制.方法 构建双层聚乙二醇(polyethylene glyeol,PEG)水凝胶,分别修饰RGD和HAVDI多肽,实现与整合素和N-钙黏素的力学黏附,模拟整合素介导的细胞-细胞外基质间以及N-钙黏素介导的细胞-细胞间力学相互作用.通过免疫荧光染色表征整合素力学黏附、N-钙黏素力学黏附以及不同细胞内力作用下,有无接触HAVDI多肽的单细胞的极性蛋白磷酸肌醇3-激酶(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase,PI3K)和磷酸化肌动蛋白轻链(phosphorylated myosin light chain,pMLC),并用Image J分析其表达强度和极性分布情况.结果 整合素力学黏附诱导接触组中PI3K和pMLC蛋白的极性强度高于非接触组,并使得接触组中PI3K蛋白与β-连环蛋白的极性夹角集中在135°~180°之间,pMLC与β-连环蛋白的极性夹角集中在0°~45°之间.抑制整合素的功能会抑制接触组中PI3K的极性分布,但不会改变pMLC蛋白的极性分布.N-钙黏素力学黏附对PI3K和pMLC蛋白的极性分布的影响与整合素类似,但抑制N-钙黏素的力学黏附作用,会同时抑制接触组中PI3K和pMLC蛋白的极性强度和极性夹角分布,并且会削弱整合素β1的极性强度,降低整合素β1与β-连环蛋白的极性夹角富集在135°~180°之间的细胞百分比.同时发现降低细胞内力会削弱PI3K和pMLC蛋白的极性强度及其极性分布,增强细胞内力会增强PI3K和pMLC蛋白的极性强度及其极性分布.结论 整合素和N-钙黏素协同调控细胞蛋白的极性分布,N-钙黏素可以通过局部抑制整合素的方式在干细胞极性调控中发挥重要作用.

Objective To investigate the synergistic regulation of the polarization of mesenchymal stem cells by integrin and N-cadherin-mediated mechanical adhesion and the underlying mechanobiological mechanisms.Methods Bilayer polyethylene glyeol(PEG)hydrogels were formulated and modified with RGD and HAVDI peptides,respectively,to achieve mechanical adhesion to integrin and N-cadherin and to replicate the integrin-mediated mechanical interaction between cells and the extracellular matrix and the N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell mechanical interaction.The polar proteins,phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)and phosphorylated myosin light chain(pMLC),were characterized through immunofluorescence staining in individual cells with or without contact with HAVDI peptides under integrin-mediated adhesion,N-cadherin-mediated adhesion,and different intracellular forces.Their expression levels and polar distribution were analyzed using Image J.Results Integrin-mediated adhesion induced significantly higher polar strengths of PI3K and pMLC in the contact group than in those in the no contact group,resulting in the concentration of the polar angle of PI3K to β-catenin in the range of 135° to 180° and the concentration of the polar angle of pMLC to β-catenin in the range of 0° to 45° in the contact group.Inhibition of integrin function led to inhibition of the polarity distribution of PI3K in the contact group,but did not change the polarity distribution of pMLC protein.The effect of N-cadherin on the polarity distributions of PI3K and pMLC was similar to that of integrin.However,inhibition of the mechanical adhesion of N-cadherin led to inhibition of the polarity intensity and polarity angle distribution of PI3K and pMLC proteins in the contact group.Furthermore,inhibition of the mechanical adhesion of N-cadherin caused weakened polarity intensity of integrin β1,reducing the proportion of cells with polarity angles between integrin β1 and β-catenin concentrating in the range of 135° to 180°.Additionally,intracellular forces influenced the polar distribution of PI3K and pMLC proteins.Reducing intracellular forces weakened the polarity intensity of PI3K and pMLC proteins and their polarity distribution,while increasing intracellular forces enhanced the polarity intensity of PI3K and pMLC proteins and their polarity distribution.Conclusion Integrin and N-cadherin co-regulate the polarity distribution of cell proteins and N-cadherin can play an important role in the polarity regulation of stem cells through local inhibition of integrin.


西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院生物信息工程教育部重点实验室 (西安 710049)||西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院仿生工程与生物力学研究所 (西安 710049)


IntegrinsN-cadherinCell polarity

《四川大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (002)


321-329 / 9


