

Experimental Study of Mechanical Properties of Corn Straw in Cold Region


为了合理利用玉米秸秆这种生物质资源,采集了寒地整株玉米秸秆,结合自制试验装置,利用电子万能试验机等设备,测试了整株玉米秸秆不同直径部位在相同加载速率下有节段径向和轴向压缩及无节段抗弯的力学性能.对试验数据进行了拟合,建立了相关数学模型,结果表明:当直径小于 20mm 时,轴向压缩实验中直径对压力影响并不明显,直径达到 25mm 左右时影响开始显现,直径大于 29mm 后影响非常显著;径向压缩时,离秸秆顶端较近的几节直径与压力近似线性相关,但随着直径的增加径向压力并不是均值上升,具有一定的离散性.抗弯试验中,在初始阶段压力在某一范围内上下波动,直径对压力影响并不显著;当直径大于 23mm 后,所需压力值显著增加;当直径大于 30mm 之后,直径对压力的影响产生了较为明显的波动性.试验数据真实可靠,拟合结果具有较强的可参考性,可为更好地开发利用秸秆资源及优化秸秆收获装置结构提供理论依据.

In order to make rational use of corn straw,the whole plant of corn straw in cold region was collected.Com-bined with self-made experimental device,the mechanical properties of different diameter parts of corn straw at the same loading rate,segmental radial and axial compression and no segment bending were tested by electronic universal testing machine.The experimental data are fitted and the related mathematical models are established.The results show that when the diameter is less than 20mm,the effect of diameter on pressure is not obvious in the axial compression experi-ment,when the diameter reaches about 25mm,the effect begins to appear,and the effect is very significant when the di-ameter is larger than 29mm.During radial compression,the diameter of several segments near the top of straw is approxi-mately linear with the pressure,but with the increase of diameter,the radial pressure does not rise in the mean value,so it is discrete to a certain extent.In the bending test,in the initial stage,the pressure fluctuates up and down in a certain range,and the diameter has no significant effect on the pressure;when the diameter is larger than 23mm,the required pressure value increases significantly;when the diameter is larger than 30mm,the influence of diameter on pressure fluc-tuates obviously.The experimental data are true and reliable,and the fitting results have strong referability,which pro-vides a theoretical basis for better development and utilization of straw resources and better optimization of straw harvesting device structure.


佳木斯大学 机械工程学院, 黑龙江 佳木斯 154007佳木斯大学 材料科学与工程学院, 黑龙江 佳木斯 154007



corn strawmechanical propertiescompressionbending

《农机化研究》 2024 (006)

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