

Application Research for Intelligent Sprinkler Irrigation System Based on Computer Network Control


为了实现植株根部含水率的精确控制,基于 ZigBee 技术建立了智能喷灌系统.计算表层含水率变化量、平均温度、日照长度与根部含水率变化量的相对关联系数,选定表层含水率变化量为自变量参数,采用线性拟合的方法,建立根部含水率变化量模型;探究喷灌阀控制信号和喷灌流量之间的关系,进而建立喷灌阀控制信号与表层含水率变化量之间的模型;设计系统工作流程,实现根部含水率精确控制.对网络系统监测表层含水率的精度和根部含水率恒定控制进行测试,表明系统具有良好的工作性能.

In order to achieving the accurate control for water content in plant roots,this Intelligent Sprinkler Irrigation System was designed based on ZigBee.The relative correlation coefficients were calculated among surface moisture con-tent variation,average temperature,sunshine length and root moisture content variation respectively.Surface moisture content variation was taken as independent variable,and the relationship between surface moisture content variation and root moisture content variation was achieved based on linear fitting.The relationship between sprinkler valve control sig-nal and sprinkler irrigation flow,and then the model between sprinkler valve control signal and surface moisture content variation was found.The system work flow was designed,the precise control for root moisture content variation was achieved.The accuracy for surface moisture content monitored by this system was tested,and stability control accuracy for the root moisture content was test,the result showed that this system had good working performance.


黄河水利职业技术学院 电气工程学院, 河南 开封 475004郑州商业技师学院, 郑州 450121



intelligent sprinkler irrigation systemnetwork controlthe model for root moisture content variation

《农机化研究》 2024 (006)

190-194 / 5

