

Integrated Design Scheme of VSC-HVDC System for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Ultra-Long-Distance Transmission


沙漠、戈壁、荒漠等地区大规模新能源输送负荷中心是实现"碳达峰、碳中和"目标的重要举措.介绍了基于常规直流和柔性直流的大规模新能源超远距离送出方案,从适用场景、过电压、电压与无功功率调节能力、经济性等方面对比了两种方案的优劣,柔性直流送出方案具有较好的技术经济优势.提出了适用于千万千瓦级新能源基地超远距离送出的柔性直流系统集成设计方案,包括±800 kV/10 GW四端柔性直流输电系统的电气主接线、主回路参数、协调控制策略、交直流卸荷装置配置等.研究了双极单阀组和高低阀组方案选择、送端多阀组交流电压协同控制、高低阀组直流电压平衡控制等关键技术,提出了交直流卸荷装置的配置方案及投切策略.基于电磁暂态仿真验证了所提柔性直流设计方案的有效性.

Large-scale renewable energy transmission from desert,Gobi and wilderness to load centers is critical measure to achieve the goals of"Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality".Two large-scale renewable energy ultra-long-distance transmission schemes are introduced,including line commutated converter based high voltage direct current(LCC-HVDC)and voltage source convert based high voltage direct current(VSC-HVDC).The two schemes are compared in terms of their applicable scenarios,overvoltage,voltage and reactive power adjustment capabilities,and economy,to highlight their respective advantages and disadvantages.VSC-HVDC is superior in terms of technology and economy.An integrated design scheme of±800 kV/10 GW four-terminal VSC-HVDC system for 10 gigawatt renewable energy ultra-long-distance transmission is proposed,which includes the electrical main wiring,main circuit parameters,coordinated control strategy,and the configuration of AC/DC choppers.Key technologies such as bipolar single-valve and high-low valve scheme selection,AC voltage coordinated control of multi-valve at the sending end,and DC voltage balance control of high-low valve are studied,and the configuration scheme and switching strategy of the configuration of AC/DC choppers are proposed.The effectiveness of the HVDC transmission system scheme is verified through electromagnetic transient simulation.


直流输电技术全国重点实验室(南方电网科学研究院),广州 510663||强电磁技术全国重点实验室(华中科技大学),武汉 430074直流输电技术全国重点实验室(南方电网科学研究院),广州 510663



large-scalerenewable energyLCC-HVDCVSC-HVDCultra-long-distanceintegrated design

《南方电网技术》 2024 (003)

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国家重点研发计划资助项目(2023YFB2405900);中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目(KYKJXM20210207). Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFB2405900);the Science and Technology Project of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.(KYKJXM20210207).

