

Lyapunov Function Based Control Strategy for Bilateral Currents of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter


分频传输系统(fractional frequency transmission system,FFTS)是一种海上风电电能传输方案,FFTS中最为关键的装置为大功率AC/AC变换器,而模块化多电平矩阵变换器(modular multilevel matrix converter,MMMC)是一种高电压、大功率AC/AC变换器.针对MMMC输入输出两侧的电流控制,目前一般都采用传统PI控制,其控制参数多且控制效果不理想,而基于Lyapunov函数的控制策略的控制器数量、控制复杂程度和效果都优于PI控制,因此提出了MMMC输入输出两侧电流的Lyapunov函数控制策略.根据MMMC的拓扑结构,推导出MMMC输入输出两侧电流解耦模型,再结合Lyapunov函数控制理论,推导出MMMC输入输出两侧电流的Lyapunov函数控制的数学模型,证明了所提控制具有全局渐进稳定性,讨论了Lyapunov函数控制的不精确以及参数选择问题.最后在MATLAB仿真平台上针对MMMC输入输出两侧电流控制采用所提控制策略和传统控制策略分别在不同工况下进行实验比较,仿真结果验证了所提控制策的正确性与优越性.

Fractional frequency transmission system(FFTS)is an offshore wind power energy transmission scheme,the AC/AC converter is the most important equipment in FFTS system,and modular multilevel matrix converter(MMMC)is an AC/AC converter with high-voltage and high-power.For the current control of MMMC input side and output side,the traditional proportional integral(PI)control is generally used,which has many control parameters and unsatisfactory control effect,while Lyapunov function control strategy is superior to PI control in the number of controllers,control complexity and control effect.Therefore,the Lyapunov control strategy of MMMC currents on input side and output side is proposed.According to the topology of MMMC,the current decoupling models of MMMC input side and output side are derived,and combined with Lyapunov control theory,the current mathematical model of MMMC input side and output side Lyapunov function control is established ultimately,and the global asymptotic stability of the proposed Lyapunov control is proved,the imprecision of Lyapunov function control and the parameter selection of Lyapunov control is discussed.Finally,the proposed control strategy and the traditional control strategy are applied to current control of MMMC input side and output side on MATLAB respectively to conduct experimental comparison under different working conditions,and the simulation results verify the correctness and superiority of the proposed Lyapunov control method.


云南电网有限责任公司昆明供电局,昆明 650000上海电力公司市北供电分公司,上海 200041上海电力大学自动化工程学院,上海 200090



offshore wind powermodular multilevel matrix convertercurrents on input side and output sideLyapunov function controlPI control

《南方电网技术》 2024 (003)

45-55 / 11

国家自然科学基金资助项目(62303301);上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室资助项目(13DZ2273800). Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62303301);the Funding Project of Shanghai Key Laboratory Power Station Automation Technology Laboratory(13DZ2273800).

