

Study on Seeding Performance Optimization of Sugarcane Disease-Free Seed Canes Double-Bud Trough-type Planter


甘蔗健康种苗种植技术是提高单产水平和品质、降低生产成本的有效措施之一,而目前国内甘蔗种植装备不成熟,直接限制了这一技术的推广和应用.为此,以有序排列的甘蔗健康种苗双芽段蔗种为研究对象,对团队研发的 2 CZD-2 A 型半自动双芽甘蔗种植机排种性能进行优化,设计了高频电磁振动自动喂入器与仿形排种同步驱动器.利用 Solid Edge ST5 三维软件建模进行仿真分析,建立试验台进行多因素正交组合试验,采集数据并利用SPSS 进行处理建立回归方程,运用Design Expert 绘制响应曲面,分析因素之间交互作用,利用MatLab 进行参数优化,最终进行田间试验验证.研究结果表明:同步驱动机构增加了排种均匀度,当带轮转速为 10r/s、振动幅度为 18.5mm、行进速度为 0.65m/s 时,排种均匀度达到 94.18%,与优化结果偏差小于 5%,满足设计要求;高频振动与动力源振动无干涉,验证了振动器梳理方案的可行性,可为全自动种植机的研发提供参考.

Sugarcane disease-free seed cane planting technology is one of the effective technical measures to improve the unit yield level and quality and reduce the production cost.At present,the domestic sugarcane mechanized planting tech-nology is not mature,which directly limits the popularization and application of this technology.Aiming at this problems,this paper takes the orderly arrangement of sugarcane healthy seedlings and double bud sugarcane seeds as the research object,optimizes the seed metering performance of 2czd-2a semi-automatic double bud sugarcane planter developed by the team,designs a high-frequency electromagnetic vibration auxiliary feeder and profiling seed metering synchronous driver,uses solid edge ST5 three-dimensional software modeling for simulation analysis,establishes a test-bed for multi factor orthogonal combination test.Collect data and use SPSS to process,establish regression equation,use Design Expert to draw response surface,analyze the interaction between factors,use MATLAB to optimize parameters,and finally carry out field test verification.The results show that the synchronous driving mechanism increases the sowing uniformity;When the pulley speed is 10 r/s,the vibration amplitude is 18.5mm and the traveling speed is 0.65m/s,the sowing uniformity reaches 94.18%,and the deviation from the optimization result is less than 5%,which meets the design re-quirements;There is no interference between high-frequency vibration and power source vibration,which verifies the feasibility of vibrator carding scheme,and provides a reference for the research and development of full-automatic planter.


中国热带农业科学院 农业机械研究所,广东 湛江 524091||农业农村部热带作物农业装备重点实验室,广东 湛江 524091中国热带农业科学院 南亚热带作物研究所,广东 湛江 524091湛江市凯翔科技有限公司,广东 湛江 524091广西双高农业机械有限公司,南宁 530104



disease-free seed canesdouble bud planterseeding performanceoptimization

《农机化研究》 2024 (008)

142-150 / 9

