

Secular trends of height among Chinese students aged 17 in 18 ethnic minorities from 1985 to 2019


目的:分析1985-2019年我国18个少数民族17岁学生身高生长长期变化趋势.方法:提取7次中国学生体质与健康调研报告(除1991年)中蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族、朝鲜族、藏族、苗族、布依族、侗族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、纳西族、土族、羌族等18个少数民族学生身高均值进行研究.结果:34年间各少数民族男生17岁身高均值显著增长(P<0.05).2019年18个少数民族17岁男学生中,回族男生身高均值最高(173.09 cm),苗族男生身高均值最低(162.66 cm),每10年身高增长>1 cm的民族有侗族(1.96 cm/10年)、白族(1.96 cm/10年)、土家族(1.95 cm/10年)、羌族(1.80 cm/10年)、回族(1.80 cm/10年)、蒙古族(1.79 cm/10年)、土族(1.72 cm/10年)、维吾尔族(1.63 cm/10年)、藏族(1.61 cm/10年)、布依族(1.55 cm/10年)、纳西族(1.52 cm/10年)、傣族(1.35 cm/10年)、傈僳族(1.29 cm/10年)、哈尼族(1.25 cm/10年)、壮族(1.16 cm/10年)、佤族(1.06 cm/10年);每10年身高增长<1 cm的民族是苗族(0.95 cm/10年).2019年,18个少数民族17岁女学生中,回族女生身高均值最高(161.71 cm),布依族女生身高均值最低(151.63 cm),每10年身高增长>1 cm的民族分别是土家族(1.80 cm/10年)、回族(1.52 cm/10年)、土族(1.25 cm/10年)、白族(1.23 cm/10年)、侗族(1.18 cm/10年)、朝鲜族(1.12 cm/10年)、羌族(1.04 cm/10年);34年间除维吾尔族、苗族女生外,其余少数民族女生身高增长显著(P<0.05).结论:我国少数民族男生均出现了较为明显的生长长期趋势,大部分少数民族女生出现了较为明显的生长长期趋势,各民族男女生身高增长不平衡,证明我国不同地区、不同少数民族学生生长潜力得以发挥,对于身高增长较慢的民族需要给予更高的关注,而对于那些身高增长较快的民族也要预防其带来的负面效应.

Objective:To analyze the long-term trend of height growth at the age of 17 among 18 ethnic minority students in China from 1985 to 2019.Methods:Seven reports on the physical fitness and health of Chinese students(except for 1991)were extracted to study the average height of 18 ethnic minority students in China,including Mongolian,Hui,Uyghur,Zhuang,Korean,Tibetan,Miao,Buyi,Dong,Bai,Tujia,Hani,Dai,Lisu,Wa,Naxi,Tu,and Qiang.Results:The average height of 17-year-old boys from eaeh ethnic minorities increased significantly over the past 34 years(P<0.05).In 2019,among the 18 ethnic minority boys aged 17,the Hui boys had the highest average height(173.09 cm),while the Miao boys had the lowest average height(162.66 cm).The Ethnic groups with a height increase of over 1 cm every 10 years included Dong(1.96 cm/10 years),Bai(1.96 cm/10 years),Tujia(1.95 cm/10 years),Qiang(1.80 cm/10 years),Hui(1.80 cm/10 years),Mongolian(1.79 cm/10 years),Tu(1.72 cm/10 years),Uyghur(1.63 cm/10 years),Tibetan(1.61 cm/10 years),Buyi(1.55 cm/10 years),Naxi(1.52 cm/10 years),Dai(1.35 cm/10 years),Lisu(1.29 cm/10 years),Hani(1.25 cm/10 years),Zhuang(1.16 cm/10 years),and Wa(1.06 cm/10 years).The ethnic group with a height increase of less than 1 cm every 10 years is Miao(0.95 cm/10 years).In 2019,among 18 ethnic minority girls aged 17,the average height of Hui girls was the highest(161.71 cm),while Buyi girls had the lowest average height(151.63 cm).The ethnic groups with a height increase of over 1 cm every 10 years were Tujia(1.80 cm/10 years),Hui(1.52 cm/10 years),Tu(1.25 cm/10 years),Bai(1.23 cm/10 years),Dong(1.18 cm/10 years),Chinese Korea(1.12 cm/10 years),and Qiang(1.04 cm/10 years).Over the 34 years,except for Oyghur and Miao,the height of girls from 16 other ethic minorities increased significantly(P<0.05).Conclusion:All male ethnic minority students in China have shown a significant long-term growth trend,while most female ethnic minority students have shown a significant long-term growth trend.The uneven height growth of male and female students from different ethnic groups proves that the growth potential of minority students from different regions and ethnic groups in China can be fully realized,and higher attention needs to be paid to ethnic groups with slower height growth,and for those ethnic groups with rapid height growth,it is also necessary to prevent the negative effects it brings.


新疆师范大学体育学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054



ethnic minorityheightlong-term growth trend

《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

517-523 / 7


