

Experimental Study on Mechanized Production of Rape With"Wide Ridge Spacing,Ridge Cultivation and Ridge Harvest"


为研究"普通平作"模式与"宽垄间距-垄作垄收"模式对油菜主要农艺性状及产量性状的影响,为探究油菜机械化生产的最佳种植模式提供技术参考,以重庆市农业科学院水稻研究所提供的庆油 3 号为材料,测定"普通平作"与"宽垄间距-垄作垄收"两种种植模式下油菜机械化生产的主要农艺性状及产量性状,并比较两种种植模式的经济效益.结果表明:"普通平作"模式虽然单位面积有效株数多于"宽垄间距-垄作垄收"模式,但"宽垄间距-垄作垄收"模式种植的油菜产量性状更优,损失量和损失率更低,经济效益更高,更适合机械化收获.两种种植模式的主要农艺性状差别不大,但单位面积产量与经济效益存在明显差异,选择适宜的农机农艺融合模式进行机械化生产可获得高产高效.

In order to study the effects of"ordinary flat farming"and"wide ridge spacing ridge farming and ridge har-vest"on the main agronomic and yield characters of rapeseed,and to provide technical reference for exploring the planting mode of mechanized production of rapeseed.Taking Qingyou No.3 provided by the Rice Research Institute of Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences as the material,the main agronomic and yield characters of rapeseed mecha-nized production under the two planting modes of"ordinary flat farming"and"wide ridge spacing ridge farming and ridge harvest"were measured,and the economic benefits of the two planting modes were compared.The results showed that although the number of effective plants per unit area of"ordinary flat cropping"mode was more than that of"wide ridge spacing ridge harvesting",the yield characters of rapeseed planted by"wide ridge spacing ridge harvesting"mode were better,the loss and loss rate were lower,the economic benefit was higher,and it was more suitable for mechanized har-vesting.The main agronomic shapes of the two planting modes have little difference,but there are obvious differences in yield per unit area and economic benefits.Selecting the appropriate planting mode for mechanized production can obtain high yield and high efficiency.


重庆市农科学院,重庆 401329重庆市农业机械化技术推广总站,重庆 401120梁平区农业技术中心,重庆 405299重庆文理学院,重庆 402160



rape seedwide ridge spacingridge cultivation and ridge harvestplanting patternsmechanized produc-tion

《农机化研究》 2024 (008)

186-190 / 5

