

Development and Test of Reciprocating Kneading Peanut Shelling Device


针对现有花生脱壳装置存在脱净率低、机械损伤率高、品种适应性差等问题,研制了一款往复揉搓式花生脱壳装置.以豫花 22 为试验对象,对脱壳工作原理进行运动学分析,并利用最佳设计尺寸优选法和运动图解分析法分析确定了当最小脱壳间隙为 12mm、编织筛网正方形网孔边长为 14mm、减速机转速为 70r/min 及摇杆与竖直方向夹角为 25°时,脱壳性能较佳.采用上述最佳结构设计参数,对该装置进行综合性能试验,脱壳试验结果表明:平均脱净率为 98.4%,破损率为 2.7%,发芽率为 98.2%,满足行业花生脱壳质量要求.圆点橡胶疲劳损伤试验表明:往复式花生脱壳装置累计作业 75h 后,已不利于花生继续脱壳作业,应及时进行更换.该装置的试制成功可为花生脱壳装置创新设计提供参考.

Aiming at the problems of low net removal rate,high mechanical damage rate and poor variety adaptability of existing peanut shelling devices,a reciprocating kneading peanut shelling device was developed.Taking Yuhua 22 as the test object,kinematics analysis was carried out on the working principle of shelling,and the optimal design size optimiza-tion method and kinematic graphic analysis method were used to analyze and determine when the minimum shelling gap was 12mm,and the square mesh edge of the woven screen was used.When the length is 14mm,the speed of the reducer is 70r/min,and the angle between the rocker and the vertical direction is 25°,the shelling performance is better.Using the above optimal structural design parameters,the comprehensive performance test of the device was carried out.The shelling test results showed that the average dehulling rate was 98.11%,the breakage rate was 2.76%,and the germina-tion rate was 98.2%,which met the quality of peanut shelling in the industry.The fatigue damage test of the dot rubber shows that after the accumulative operation of the reciprocating peanut shelling device for 75 hours,it is no longer condu-cive to the continued shelling of peanuts and should be replaced in time.The successful trial production of the device can provide a reference for the innovative design of peanut shelling device.


河南省农业科学院 长垣分院, 河南 长垣 453400||河南省花生耕种收加工智能设备工程研究中心, 郑州 450008河南省农业科学院 长垣分院, 河南 长垣 453400||青岛农业大学 机电工程学院, 山东 青岛 266109



shelling devicereciprocating rubbingpeanut

《农机化研究》 2024 (007)

125-130 / 6

