

Infrared and Visible Binocular Registration Algorithm Based on Region Search Under Geometric Constraints


针对相对位置固定的红外和可见光双目相机配准任务,现有算法没有考虑到两者相对位置固定的先验知识,存在配准精度低、几何定位差异大等问题,适用性差.提出一种基于几何约束下区域搜索的红外可见光双目图像配准方法.首先借助红外和可见光双目相机的标定信息对红外和可见光图像进行立体校正使二者处于同一高度之上.接着借助于相位一致性计算红外与可见光的边缘特征图,然后在红外边缘图上提取特征点,最后提出两阶段的同名特征点搜索方法,以红外特征点为基准在可见光边缘图局部区域内搜索同名特征点.在第一阶段以归一化互相关(Normalized cross-correlation,NCC)为相似性度量计算两边缘图的整体水平偏移,预测同名特征点初始位置,在第二阶段提出多尺度加权NCC 作为相似性度量,在初始同名特征点位置周围精确搜索同名特征点.在构造的真实环境数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明相对于其他对比算法,在特征点匹配数量和准确率以及主观视觉上的配准效果都优于其他对比算法.

For the registration task of infrared and visible binocular cameras with fixed relative positions,existing algorithms do not consider the prior fixed relative positions of the two cameras,resulting in problems,such as low registration accuracy,large differences in geometric positioning,and poor applicability.An infrared and visible binocular image registration method based on region search under geometric constraints.First,stereo correction was performed on the infrared and visible images using the calibration information of the infrared and visible binocular cameras,such that they were at the same height.Second,infrared and visible edge maps were obtained using phase congruency and feature points were extracted from the infrared edge map.Finally,a two-stage feature point search method is proposed to search for feature points with the same name in the local area of the visible edge map based on the infrared feature points.In the first stage,normalized cross-correlation(NCC)was used as a similarity metric to calculate the overall horizontal offset of the two edge maps,and the initial positions of feature points with the same name were predicted.In the second stage,a multiscale-weighted NCC was proposed as a similarity metric to accurately search for feature points with the same name around the initial location of feature points of the same name.Then,experiments were performed on the constructed real-environment dataset.The experimental results show that compared with other comparison methods,the number and accuracy of matching points and registration results in subjective vision are better.


武汉大学 电子信息学院,湖北 武汉 430072



image registrationinfrared imagevisible imagephase congruencybinocular camera

《红外技术》 2024 (003)


269-279 / 11

