

Application of Virtual Reality Technology in the Intelligent Transplanter


为进一步提升我国智能插秧机的作业效率与插植准确度,基于虚拟现实技术理念针对其结构设计及作业控制展开研究.在充分理解智能插秧机的结构组成与作业要求实现的基础上,运用 VR 控制理念,建立 VR 可视化设计模型平台,融入北斗定位及 VR 矩阵元素等核心技术,形成完整的智能插秧机作业系统,并展开有效性的插秧作业试验.试验结果表明:将虚拟现实技术应用于智能插秧机,实现了插秧作业性能的整体提升,在 VR可视化的监测与调偏功能运用下,控制准确率相对提高了 8.83%,合格率相对提高了 6.76%,秧苗利用率亦得到明显提升,对于插秧装备的无人化和智能化及多范围、多地区推广起到了积极作用,可为类似农机装备的优化创新提供很好的思路与方向.

In order to further improve the operation efficiency and planting accuracy of the intelligent transplanter in Chi-na,its structure design and operation control were designed and studied based on the concept of the virtual reality tech-nology.On the basis of fully understanding the structural composition and operation requirements of the intelligent rice transplanter,using the VR control concept,a VR visual design model platform was established,then integrated the core technologies such as the beidou positioning and VR matrix elements,a complete intelligent transplanter operation system was formed,and the effective transplanting experiment was carried out.It showed that applying the virtual reality technol-ogy to the intelligent transplanter,the overall improvement of transplanting performance had been realized.Under the ap-plication of VR visual monitoring and deviation adjustment function,the control accuracy of the system transplanting had been relatively improved by 8.83%,the qualified rate of transplanting had been relatively improved by 6.76%,and the utilization rate of seedlings had also been significantly improved,which would be played a positive role in the unmanned,intelligent and multi range and multi-regional promotion of transplanting equipment,it would provide a good idea and di-rection for the optimization and innovation of similar agricultural machinery and equipment.


郑州升达经贸管理学院,郑州 451191



intelligent transplantervirtual realityvisual designcontrol accuracyqualified rate of transplanting

《农机化研究》 2024 (005)

201-205 / 5

