

Design and Test of Toggle Gear Type Electric Drive Rice Transplanting Tray Starter


针对北方水稻棚式育秧移栽生产模式中秧苗移栽前的起盘过程不适宜于铺设大型龙门架起盘机械,创制了一种拨齿式电驱动水稻育秧盘起盘机.阐述了整机结构及工作原理,阐明了机具拨起秧盘的基本原理,采用力学分析法对水稻育秧盘起盘机的拨盘装置进行了设计,确定了影响起盘性能的拨盘装置结构参数及其取值范围.以拨盘装置转速、机具前进速度、拨盘装置离地高度为试验因素,以秧盘完整率和机具起盘效率作为性能指标进行三因素三水平正交试验.试验结果表明:拨齿式电驱动水稻育秧盘起盘机较优的参数组合为拨盘装置转速为 40r/min、机器前进速度为 0.8km/h、拨盘装置离地高度为 0mm,对试验结果进行验证,其秧盘完整率为99%,效率为 362 盘/h,各项性能指标均满足起盘作业要求.

For the northern rice seedling transplanting production mode of shed-type rice seedling transplanting process is not suitable for the laying of large gantry tray starting machinery,created a toggle gear type electric drive rice seedling tray starting machine.The machine's structure and working principle are explained,the basic principle of dialing up the rice seedling tray is clarified,the dialing device of the rice seedling tray starter is designed using mechanical analysis,and the structural parameters of the dialing mechanism and its range of values that affect the performance of the tray are determined.The results show that the better combination of parameters for the paddle gear type electric drive rice trans-planting tray starter is 40r/min for the paddle gear speed,0.8km/h for the machine speed and 0mm for the paddle gear height from the ground.The test results were verified,and the complete rate of the seedling tray was 99%,the efficiency was 362trays/hour,and the performance indexes of the machine met the requirements of tray starting operation.


黑龙江八一农垦大学 工程学院,黑龙江 大庆 163319



electric driverice transplanting traytray startertoggle tooth type

《农机化研究》 2024 (005)

210-215 / 6

