

Fabrication and Characterization of Wafer-Scale Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Waveguides


随着光子集成和光通信技术的快速发展,低损耗波导是实现高效光子传输的关键元件,其性能直接影响整个集成芯片的性能.因此,低损耗波导的制备技术是当前铌酸锂集成光子技术研究的热点和难点.本研究针对晶圆级低损耗薄膜铌酸锂波导的制备工艺进行了深入研究,在4英寸的薄膜铌酸锂晶圆上,基于深紫外光刻和电感耦合等离子体刻蚀技术,成功制备出了传输损耗低于0.15 dB/cm的波导,同时刻蚀深度误差控制在10%以内,极大地提高了波导结构的精确度.此外,本研究还提出了一种基于微环谐振腔的晶圆上波导损耗的表征方案,能更精确地评估波导性能.通过测试,发现所制备的波导合格率超过85%,显示出良好的可重复性和可靠性.本文中发展的晶圆级薄膜铌酸锂加工工艺,对推进铌酸锂波导的大规模制备和应用具有重要意义.

With the rapid development of photonic integration and optical communication technology,low-loss waveguides have become the key components for efficient photonic transmission,and their performance directly affects the performance ofthe entire integrated chip.Therefore,the preparation technology of low-loss thin film lithium niobate(TFLN)waveguides is currently a hot and difficult research topic.In this study,in-depth research on the preparation process of wafer-level low-loss thin-film lithium niobate waveguides was conducted.On a 4-inch thin-film lithium niobate wafer,waveguides witha transmission loss of less than 0.15 dB/cm based on the deep-UV lithography and inductive coupled plasma etching were successfully prepared,while the etching depth error was controlled within 10%,greatly improving the accuracy of the waveguide structure.Additionally,this study also proposed a characterization method based on micro-ring resonators for wafer-level waveguide loss measurement,which can more accurately evaluate waveguide performance.Through testing,it is found that the qualified rate of the prepared waveguides exceeds 85%,demonstrating good reproducibility and reliability.The wafer-level thin film lithium niobate processing technology developed in this article is of great significance for promoting the large-scale preparation and application of lithium niobate waveguides.


南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,南京 210093||南京南智先进光电集成技术研究院有限公司,南京 211800南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,南京 210093南京南智先进光电集成技术研究院有限公司,南京 211800南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,南京 210093||南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室,南京 210093


thin-film lithium niobatewafer-scale processwaveguide loss measurementdeep ultraviolet lithographyICP etchingintegrated photon technique

《人工晶体学报》 2024 (003)


426-433 / 8

