

Master of traditional Chinese medicine WANG Xixing's experience in the treatment of radiation proctitis by combining internal and external therapy


放射性直肠炎(RP)作为盆腔恶性肿瘤放射治疗后常见的并发症之一,其发病率逐年增加.由于西医治疗目前无特异性药物,且病情易反复、长期效果不佳等缺点,严重影响了肿瘤患者的生活质量.国医大师王晞星教授根据多年诊疗经验,认为应当内外合治RP,临床疗效显著.本文深入剖析王晞星教授 3期诊治RP之病机及治法方药,介绍肠瑞灌肠剂等外治方法.并附验案 1 则加以佐证,以期为临床提供参考.

The incidence of radiation proctitis as one of the common complications after radiation therapy for pelvic malignant tumors is increasing year by year.Since there is no specific drug in Western medical treatment,and the condition is easy to recur,and the long-term effect is poor and other shortcomings,which seriously affects the quality of life of tumor patients.Based on his many years of medical experience,master of traditional Chinese medicine WANG Xixing believes that radiation proctitis should be treated both internally and externally,and that the clinical results have been remarkable.In this paper,we analyzed the pathogenesis of radiation proctitis and the treatment method and prescription of Professor WANG Xixing's three-phase diagnosis,and introduced the external treatment methods such as the enema of intestines,and cited one case as examples,in order to provide clinical references.


山西中医药大学,太原 030024山西省中医药研究院,太原 030012



radiation proctitisinternal and external treatmentintestinal enemamaster of traditional Chinese medicineWANG Xixing

《天津中医药》 2024 (004)

414-418 / 5

第四届国医大师传承工作室(国中医药办人教函2022 245号);国家中医药传承创新中心的建设(202203);第二批国家中医临床研究基地建设单位(国中医药科技函2018 131号);山西省中医临床医学研究中心(培育)(晋科社发[2019]61号);山西省卫健委山西省医学科技创新团队项目(2020TD04);山西省卫健委山西省医学重大科技攻关专项(2022XM10).

