

Effects of Secondary Salinization on Benthic Decomposers and Litter Decomposition in Streams



Secondary salinization is a phenomenon of abnormal increase of fresh water sality that is caused by a multitude of human activities,including the use of road de-icing salt,mining and other forms of resource development,agricultural activities,urbanization,domestic sewage and industrial wastewater discharge,and so forth.Currently,secondary salinization has evolved from a local envi-ronmental issue in arid regions to a global ecological concern,posing a significant threat to the biodi-versity,ecosystem functions,and ecosystem services of freshwater ecosystems.In this study,we sum-mazied the influence of secondary salinization on the stream decomposer communities and litter de-composition processes based on 20 related literatures from home and abroad,focusing on the struc-ture and function of the decomposer subsystem.The benthic decomposer subsystem is mainly com-posed of exogenous litter,benthic animals,microorganisms and inorganic environment,which regu-lates the key function of the stream ecosystem,namely the litter decomposition process.It aimed to provide a theoretical foundation for the protection,management,and restoration of river and stream ecosystems.Results are as follows:(1)The response patterns of bacterial and fungal communities to the salinization process were significantly different,and the contribution of corresponding paths to lit-ter decomposition was also different in salinized streams.The fungal response is more complex.(2)Salinization can significantly affect benthic macroinvertebrates with lethal and sublethal effects.Shred-ders are typically sensitive to salinity,and the effects of changes in benthic shredders under saliniza-tion on the decomposition process of litter are significant.(3)The decomposition rates of litter gener-ally decrease in salinized streams.However,the relationship between the decomposition process of lit-ter and the characteristics and patterns of water salinization has not yet been determined.Future re-search should prioritize investigating the ecological effects of temporal and spatial dynamics of stream salinization,the monitoring of process parameters such as element release dynamics of litter decomposition,and the potential interaction between stream secondary salinization and other factors such as global change,eutrophication,and emerging pollutants.


黑龙江大学,农业微生物技术教育部工程研究中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150500||黑龙江大学生命科学学院,黑龙江省寒地生态修复与资源利用重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080



secondary salinizationstreamlitterdecompositionmicrobial communitymacroinver-tebrate

《水生态学杂志》 2024 (003)

32-44 / 13

国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD0900605);丽水市紧水滩、乌溪江、千峡湖三大水库洁水渔业研究项目(浙大采招2019 341号).

