

Biological Control of Benthic Filamentous Green Algae


为调控水体丝状绿藻的生长,提供安全高效的绿藻暴发解决方案,通过操纵水体中不同的生物种类,探究水生动物对底栖丝状绿藻生长的抑制效果.控制实验Ⅰ研究了耳萝卜螺(Radix auricularia)、子陵吻鰕虎鱼(Rhinogobius giurinus)、中华鳑鲏(Rhodeus sinensis)和日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)对底栖丝状绿藻水绵(Spirogyra sp.)的控制效果;控制实验Ⅱ研究了中华鳑鲏对水绵、水网藻(Hydrodictyon reticulatum)、刚毛藻(Cladophora sp.)生长的抑制效果.结果表明,中华鳑鲏实验Ⅰ处理组的固着态水绵生物量从实验前期的90 g/m2下降到实验末期的34g/m2,相对于其他生物操纵对象,中华鳑鲏对浮游态和固着态水绵表现出极显著的抑制效果(P<0.01);中华鳑鲏实验Ⅱ处理组中,固着态水绵生物量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),固着态水网藻生物量和固着态刚毛藻生物量均略低于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05),也表明中华鳑鲏对底栖丝状绿藻的抑制效果,特别是对水绵具有显著的抑制效果.中华鳑鲏在抑制底栖丝状绿藻生长的同时,对水体中其他浮游植物和浮游动物的影响并不显著(P>0.05),表明中华鳑鲏作为控制丝状绿藻的潜在生物操纵对象具有很好的应用前景.

In this study,we explored the potential for aquatic animals to control the growth of ben-thic filamentous green algae using biomanipulation,aiming to provide a safe and efficient solution for controlling overgrowth of filamentous green algae in aquatic ecosystems and for addressing algal blooms.Radix auricularia(snail),Rhinogobius giurinus(fish),Rhodeus sinensis(fish)and Macrobra-chium nipponense(prawn)were selected as test aquatic animals,and control experiments were con-ducted in two phases:Phase Ⅰ,experiments using R.auricularia,R.giurinus,R.sinensis,and M.nip-ponense to control a benthic filamentous green algae(Spirogyra sp.);Phase Ⅱ,experiments using R.sinensis to control three species of benthic filamentous green algae(Spirogyra sp.,Hydrodictyon reticulatum,and Cladophora sp.).All treatments during both phases included a control group and were run in triplicate.Physical and chemical parameters of the water body,and periphytic algae and plankton biomass during the experiments were determined.The biomass of attached Spirogyra sp.in Phase Ⅰ was initially 90 g/m2 and decreased to a final biomass of 34 g/m2 after treatment with R.si-nensis,significantly lower than the control or other biological treatment groups.R.sinensis exhibited significant control on both planktonic and attached Spirogyra sp.(P<0.01).In Phase Ⅱ,the biomass of attached Spirogyra sp.was significantly lower than in the control group,while the biomass of at-tached Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Cladophora sp.decreased,but non-significantly,compared to the control group.The biomass reductions of attached Spirogyra sp.,Hydrodictyon reticulatum and Cladophora sp.by R.sinensis were 98.27%,12.45%and 67.91%,respectively.These results indicate that R.sinensis clearly exerts biological control on benthic filamentous green algae,but displays a preference for Spirogyra sp..In conclusion,R.sinensis significantly reduced the biomass of benthic filamentous green algae,with no observed impacts on other phytoplankton and zooplankton,demon-strating the great potential of R.sinensis for biological control of filamentous algae.


河南师范大学水产学院,河南新乡 453007



biological manipulationfilamentous green algaeRhodeus sinensisSpirogyra sp.

《水生态学杂志》 2024 (003)


112-120 / 9

国家自然科学基金(31660620,32070418);2022 年中央财政支持地方高校改革发展专项资金(藏财预指[2022]1号).

