

Phytoplankton Community Structure and Water Quality Assessment in the Upper Hanjiang River During a Normal Water Period


探究平水期汉江上游浮游植物群落结构特征和水质状况,为汉江上游水源涵养区水生态环境管理提供参考.于2020年4月对汉江汉中段干流及11条主要支流的浮游植物和水体理化指标进行调查分析.结果显示:汉江汉中段干支流共检出浮游植物6门35属51种,物种组成为硅藻-绿藻型,优势种为小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)、舟形藻(Navicula sp.)、尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)、箱型桥弯藻(Cymbella cistula)、棒胶藻(Rhabdogloea sp.)、二角多甲藻(Peridinium bipes)、四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)以及卵形隐藻(Cryptomonas ovata).浮游植物细胞密度为 0.39×106~3.59×106 个/L,生物量为 0.39~3.49 mg/L.Shannon 多样性指数(0.64~2.15)和 Pielou 均匀度指数(0.28~0.81)变化趋势一致,干流略低于支流.结合水体理化指标、营养状态指数、污染指示种以及多样性指数对水质进行综合评价,汉江汉中段干支流处于轻度污染~a-中污染状况,营养状态为轻度富营养.RDA与Spearman相关性分析表明,TN是影响浮游植物群落结构及动态的主要环境因子.

In this study,we explored phytoplankton community structure and evaluated water quality in the Hanzhong section of Hanjiang River during a normal water period,and identified the primary environ-mental factors affecting phytoplankton.Our aim was to provide a reference for managing the aquatic eco-logical environment in the water conservation area of the upper Hanjiang River.In April 2020,a phyto-plankton investigation was carried out at 15 sampling sites in the Hanzhong section of the Hanjiang River and 11 primary tributaries,focusing on phytoplankton composition,dominant species,density,biomass,and community diversity.Water samples were collected for determination of water physicochemical pa-rameters,including DO,EC,pH,TN,TP,CODMn,and Chl-a.A total of 51 phytoplankton species(vari-ants)from 35 genera and 6 phyla were identified,with absolute dominance by Bacillariophyta(23 species,13 genera)and Chlorophyta(19 species,14 genera),accounting for 45.10%and 37.25%of the total spe-cies.The main dominant species were Cyclotella sp.,Navicula sp.,Synedra acus,Cymbella cistula,Rhab-dogloea sp.,peridinium bipes,Scenedesmus quadricauda,and Cryptomonas ovata.Phytoplankton density and biomass were in the ranges of 0.39×106-3.59×106 cells/L and 0.39-3.49 mg/L,with average values of 1.69×106 cells/L and 1.27 mg/L.There were no significant differences in phytoplankton density or bio-mass between the main stem and tributaries,but biomass in the tributaries was slightly higher.The Shan-non diversity and Pielou evenness indices,with ranges of 0.64-2.15 and 0.28-0.81,were both slightly higher in the tributaries.Water quality in the investigated area was compnsively evaluated by combining physicochemical parameter values,the trophic status index,pollution indicator species,and community di-versity indices.The results indicate that water quality was in transition from slightly polluted to α-meso-saprobic and was slightly eutrophic.The relationship between phytoplankton and environmental factors was examined using redundancy analysis(RDA)and Spearman analysis,and show that TN played a key role in the structure and dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the Hanzhong section of Hanjiang river.Our results provide a scientific reference for assessing aquatic ecology in the Yangtze River basin.


陕西省环境科学研究院,陕西西安 710061||西安理工大学西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048陕西省环境科学研究院,陕西西安 710061西安理工大学西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048



phytoplanktoncommunity structurewater quality evaluationnormal water periodHan-zhong section of Hanjiang River

《水生态学杂志》 2024 (003)


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