

Chemical and visual cues from Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar'Hangbaiju'plant to attract Macrosiphoniella sanborni during its blooming stage and their application against the aphid


杭白菊是一类顶级的茶用菊,原产地是浙江省桐乡市.菊小长管蚜Macrosiphoniella sanbomi是菊属植物重要害虫,常常在花期觅食于花上和匿于花内,随着菊花采摘、加工而残留在菊花产品中.冲饮菊花茶过程中,蚜尸或肢体就浮现在菊花茶汤中,致饮者"倒胃口".为揭示该蚜嗜好花朵原因和研制有效的防控手段以便在花期控制该蚜,分离鉴定了花期杭白菊植株的36种挥发性化合物,挑选其中含量大的、主要的17种用作味源,对该蚜做行为测定.发现a-蒎烯、反-2-己烯醛、(+)-4-蒈烯、顺-3-己烯乙酯、顺式-β-罗勒烯、γ-萜品烯、或者1-辛烯-3-乙酯7种成分的10-4g/mL的正己烷溶液显著地吸引该蚜雌、雄成蚜.依次将该7种成分的每种10-2g/mL正己烷溶液与蚜虫性信息素荆芥内酯的10-4g/mL正己烷溶液按照60:10:10:2:2:20:2:1体积比配制成复合型蚜虫引诱剂,在菊园中与专利产品蚜虫引诱剂比较诱效,结果表明前者对于该蚜更具有引诱力.此外,在杭白菊园进行的该蚜趋色行为测定中,测得菊花黄对该蚜诱效稍强于芽绿色.随后,将每块菊花黄粘板附1个复合型蚜虫引诱剂诱芯,组成1个诱捕器,在杭白菊花期的菊园放置相互间距7 m x 8 m的诱捕器诱杀成蚜.结果证实:不仅每个诱捕器诱杀了大量菊小长管蚜成虫,而且诱捕器的防效优于吡虫啉药液.认为:花期杭白菊植株的主要挥发性化合物和花朵上雌蚜释放的性信息素(嗅觉线索)与菊花的黄色(视觉线索)叠加引诱了菊小长管蚜;研制的载有复合型蚜虫引诱剂的菊花黄粘板可用作花期有效诱杀菊小长管蚜的手段.

Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar'Hangbaiju'topped chrysanthemum teas,originated from Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province.The aphid Macrosiphoniella sanborni(Gillette)is a special pest of chrysanthemum plants that often pierces and sucks the blooming flowers or hides in the flowers,and can be easily harvested with the flowers and remained in the processed chrysanthemum tea products.When the chrysanthemum tea was brewed,the aphid corpses would emerge into tea soup,which caused the drinkers off their appetite.In order to reveal the reasons for the aphid to prefer chrysanthemum flowers,and develop the effective green control agents used in blooming duration against the aphid,we collected and identified thirty-six volatile compounds from the blooming chrysanthemum plants,of which seventeen major components were used as odor sources for behavioral assays on the aphid.The results showed that a-pinene,E-2-hexenal,(+)-4-carcne,Z-3-hexenyl acetate,cis-β-ocimene,and γ-terpinene or l-octen-3-yl-acetate at 10-4 g/mL in hexane significantly attracted the aphid adults.These seven solutions,each at dosage of 10-2 g/mL,in turn were mixed with a nepetalactone hexane solution at 10-4 g/mL at a volume ratio of 60∶10∶10∶2∶2∶20:2:1 as a complex aphid sexual attractant,which compared with patented prodcuct,an aphid attractant,on the efficacy to trap the aphid adults,with the former being better.In addition,the phototaxis behavioral trials in chrysanthemum fields showed that the trapping efficacy of chrysanthemum yellow sticky boards on the aphid was slightly excelled that of bud green sticky boards.During the process of trapping aphids at blooming stage,one chrysanthemum yellow sticky board was baited with one complex aphid sexual attractant lure to build into one trap,one trap hanged from one bamboo stick with its bottom side 1 cm above chrysanthemum plant top,and the stick was inserted into chrysanthemum row.The distance among traps was 7m x 8m apart from each other.The chrysanthemum yellow sticky boards each baited with a complex aphid sexual attractant lure caught a large number of the aphid adults in the chrysanthemum fields and their control effect on the aphid population was significantly superior to that of spraying imidacloprid.It was thought that the combination of the major volatiles from the chrysanthemum plants and sex pheromones emitted from female aphids(olfactory cue)with the yellow color(visual cue)of the chrysanthemum pistils and petals strongly attracted the aphids during the blooming period.Furthermore,the complex aphid sexual attractant-baited chrysanthemum yellow sticky traps could be used as an effective environmental sound measure to combat the aphid during the blooming period.


中国计量大学生命科学学院,浙江省生物计量与检验检疫技术重点实验室,杭州 310018中国计量大学生命科学学院,浙江省生物计量与检验检疫技术重点实验室,杭州 310018||杭州茶菊科技有限公司,杭州 310018


Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar'Hangbaiju'blooming periodMacrosiphoniella sanborni Gillettechemical and visual cuesattract and kill

《生态学报》 2024 (006)

2609-2620 / 12


