

Research advances on spatial memory on animal movement



Many animal groups show strong directionality and regularity as they move within home ranges or migrate seasonally overlong distances.They can integrate significant spatial cues for destination recognition,navigation,and memory of the types of food available in the habitat,the distribution of food patches and the season of food maturity,and construct spatial cognitive maps,showing a strong spatial memory capacity.This article comprehensively reviews the re-search methods of captive experiments,field experiments in natural environments,observation and analysis of natural state movement trajectories,and exploration of animal spatial memory in digital virtual experimental environments.The characteristics and application ranges of these research methods are summarized,and future research trends are prospect-ed.The integration of multiple disciplines,multiple application scenarios,and the development of animal spatial memo-ry ecological models have become the main development trends in this field.The study of animal spatial memory can provide new perspectives for in-depth exploration of animal habitat utilization mechanisms,intrinsic movement driving forces,and the maintenance mechanisms of biodiversity.In addition,this research field can also provide scientific basis and reference for wildlife management practices such as endangered species conservation,alleviating human-wildlife conflicts,and improving the welfare of captive animals.


东北林业大学野生动物与自然保护地学院,国家林业和草原局猫科动物研究中心,哈尔滨 150040



Spatial memorySpatial cognitionMovement trajectoryMovement ecologyMovement model

《兽类学报》 2024 (002)

224-236 / 13


