

Preliminary study on the diversity of medium and large-sized mammals and pheasants at Chuxiong sub-region,Yunnan Ailaoshan National Na-ture Reserve


为了解云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄州片区大中型兽类和雉类多样性以及人类活动情况,2020年3月至2022年5月,在保护区内按照1 km× 1 km网格布设了 153台红外相机,开展系统调查与监测,累积59623个相机工作日,收集到野生动物独立有效照片数9309张,记录到大中型兽类动物5目14科23种,雉类1目1科7种,其中,国家一级重点保护野生动物3种,国家二级重点保护野生动物14种.在监测到的物种中,物种相对多度指数最高的 5 种动物分别是赤麂(Muntiacus vaginalis,RAI=7.52)、毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus,RAI=2.43)、野猪(Sus scrofa,RAI=2.39)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta,RAI=2.26)和马来豪猪(Hystrix brachyura,RAI=2.16).种-多度曲线分析结果表明,赤麂、野猪和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)在云南哀牢山楚雄州片区多度秩排序前三位,累积相对多度占所有物种相对多度的65%.此外,还在保护区内拍摄到大量放牧等人类活动,显示保护区内存在一定的人为活动干扰.本次系统调查与监测结果完善了云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄州片区范围内大中型兽类和雉类本底信息,填补了区内大中型兽类和雉类的研究空白,为保护区后续的管理和长期监测提供科学依据.

Between March 2020 and May 2022,we conducted a systematic camera-trapping survey to understand the di-versity of medium and large-sized mammals and pheasants at Chuxiong Prefecture sub-region of Yunnan Ailaoshan Na-tional Nature Reserve.We set 153 camera traps along 1 km ×1 km grids,with a total trapping effort of 59 623 days,which yielded 9 309 independent records of wildlife species.A total of 23 medium and large-sized terrestrial mammals and seven pheasant species were observed:14 families of 5 orders for mammals and 1 family of 1 order for pheasants.Of which,three and 14 species were listed as Class One and Class Two protected species respectively by the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Law.The five species with the highest relative abundance indices(RAI)were the northern red muntjac(Muntiacus vaginalis,RAI=7.52),tufted deer(Elaphodus cephalophus,RAI=2.43),wild boar(Sus scrofa,RAI=2.39),macaque(Macaca mulatta,RAI=2.26)and Malayan porcupine(Hystrix brachyura,RAI=2.16).Spe-cies rank-abundance curve showed that species in the first three ranks were the northern red muntjac,wild boar,and sil-ver pheasant Lophura nycthemera,which together contributed to 65%of the accumulative abundance of the whole com-munity.In addition,our camera-trapping survey recorded numerous human-related inerference such as livestock grazing,indicating that the reserve is under some levels of anthropogenic disturbance.Overall,our first systematic camera-trap-ping survey provides basic information on the diversity of medium and large-sized mammals and pheasants at Chuxiong Prefecture sub-region of Yunnan Ailaoshan National Nature Reserve.Such knowledge is important for local wildlife bio-diversity management and conservation.


云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄管护局,楚雄 675000||无量山哀牢山野生动物云南省野外科学观测研究站,楚雄 675000中国科学院昆明动物研究所,昆明 650224||无量山哀牢山野生动物云南省野外科学观测研究站,楚雄 675000



Yunnan Ailaoshan National Nature ReserveMedium and large-sized terrestrial mammalsPheasantsCam-era-trapping surveyRelative abundance index

《兽类学报》 2024 (002)

237-246 / 10


