首页|期刊导航|自动化学报(英文版)|Quantization and Event-Triggered Policy Design for Encrypted Networked Control

Quantization and Event-Triggered Policy Design for Encrypted Networked ControlOA北大核心CSTPCDEI

Quantization and Event-Triggered Policy Design for Encrypted Networked Control


This paper proposes a novel event-driven encrypted control framework for linear networked control systems(NCSs),which relies on two modified uniform quantization policies,the Paillier cryptosystem,and an event-triggered strategy.Due to the fact that only integers can work in the Pailler cryptosystem,both the real-valued control gain and system state need to be first quantized before encryption.This is dramatically different from the existing quantized control methods,where only the quantiza-tion of a single value,e.g.,the control input or the system state,is considered.To handle this issue,static and dynamic quantization policies are presented,which achieve the desired integer conver-sions and guarantee asymptotic convergence of the quantized sys-tem state to the equilibrium.Then,the quantized system state is encrypted and sent to the controller when the triggering condi-tion,specified by a state-based event-triggered strategy,is satis-fied.By doing so,not only the security and confidentiality of data transmitted over the communication network are protected,but also the ciphertext expansion phenomenon can be relieved.Addi-tionally,by tactfully designing the quantization sensitivities and triggering error,the proposed event-driven encrypted control framework ensures the asymptotic stability of the overall closed-loop system.Finally,a simulation example of the secure motion control for an inverted pendulum cart system is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.

Yongxia Shi;Ehsan Nekouei

Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Cyber-securityencrypted controlevent-triggered control(ETC)networked control systems(NCSs)semi-homomor-phic encryption

《自动化学报(英文版)》 2024 (004)

946-955 / 10

This work was partly supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong(CityU 21208921)and the Chow Sang Sang Group Research Fund Sponsored by Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd.

