

Preventing Political Risks and Safeguarding the Authority of the Central Committee of the CPC in Frontier Ethnic Areas Based on'Four Consciousnesses'



The remoteness of geographical location,the prominence of geopolitics,and the particularity of po-litical risks are of great value and significance in safeguarding the authority of the Central Committee of the CPC in frontier ethnic areas.Upholding overall leadership over frontier ethnic areas by the CPC cannot be separated from the political guarantee of the authority of the Central Committee of the CPC.To consolidate the authority of the Cen-tral Committee of the CPC in frontier ethnic areas continuously,we must respond to the unique political risks,pre-vent political risks,and meet security challenges faced by frontier ethnic areas.Strengthening the'Four Conscious-nesses'in frontier ethnic areas and safeguarding the authority of the Central Committee of the CPC has an intrinsic logic and promotion of each other.Strengthening the'Four Consciousness'is a concentrated embodiment of safe-guarding the authority of the Central Committee of the CPC,a standard of thought and a code of action for preser-ving the authority.Safeguarding the authority of the Central Committee of the CPC to form the political identity guid-ance and provide the advantages of institutional efficiency for the strengthening of the'Four Consciousness'for the frontier ethnic areas'governance.


云南民族大学马克思主义学院, 云南 昆明 650504



frontier ethnic areapolitical riskauthority of the central ccommittee of the CPC'Four Consciousnesses'

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (004)

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