

Analysis of Moderate Scale Operation on Agricultural Green Production


采用CiteSpace文件计量法分析中国知网中与"适度规模或规模经营"相关的 1 768 篇CSSCI期刊文献,揭示适度规模经营的内在逻辑与对农业绿色生产的影响.结果表明:适度规模经营研究经历了萌芽期、快速发展期,现在处于平稳发展期,与中央农业宏观政策相呼应.从理论逻辑而言,适度规模经营通过专业化横向分工、生产迂回纵向分工直接影响农业绿色生产,通过收益激励和缓解劳动力约束对农业绿色生产产生间接影响;从实践发展而言,适度规模经营可通过优化生产要素配置、推动绿色技术采纳、提升绿色生产效率以实现农业绿色生产.据此提出,在农业绿色生产背景下,未来推进适度规模经营需以要素市场化改革为前提,以农业社会化服务为途径,以实现小农户与现代农业的有机衔接为目标.

CiteSpace document metrics were used to analyze 1768 CSSCI journals related to'moderate scale or large-scale operation'in the China Knowledge Network.This analysis aimed to uncover the internal logic of moder-ate-scale operation and its impact on agricultural green production.The research findings are as follows:moderate-scale operation research has undergone different phases,including a germination period and rapid development pe-riod,and is currently in a stable development period,aligning with the central agricultural macro policy.Theoreti-cally,moderate-scale operations directly influence agricultural green production through horizontal specialization and vertical production meandering.Furthermore,it indirectly affects agricultural green production through income incentives and the alleviation of labor constraints.From a practical standpoint,moderate-scale operation can realize green agricultural production by optimizing the allocation of production factors,promoting the adoption of green technology,and improving green production efficiency.Based on these results,it is recommended that future pro-motion of moderate scale operation in the context of green agricultural production should be grounded on factor mar-ket-oriented reform,taking agricultural socialization service as the way,and realizing the organic connection be-tween small farmers and agrarian modernization as the goal.


西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南 昆明 650233



moderate scale operationdivision of labor economyagriculturegreen productionCiteSpace

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (004)

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