

Research on Evaluation of Regional Public Brand Competitiveness of Agricultural Products from the Consumer Perspective


为着力打造云南农产品区域公用品牌,助力云南省农产品市场竞争力提升.以云南省7 个农产品区域公用品牌为研究对象,选取品牌认知度、品牌知名度、品牌认可度、品牌美誉度、品牌忠诚度5 个指标反应品牌竞争力,从消费者角度设计评价问卷获取一手数据,通过SPSS软件采用模糊综合评价法开展消费者角度的农产品区域公用品牌竞争力评价研究.结果表明:7 个农产品区域公用品牌中,蒙自石榴、保山小粒咖啡、文山三七三个品牌竞争力更强,很大程度上反映了云南水果、咖啡、药材的区位优势;元谋番茄、勐海茶、武定鸡、华宁柑橘四个品牌竞争力相对弱一些,需要寻找合适对策提升这些品牌竞争力.所有品牌竞争力水平良好,品牌美誉度和忠诚度表现趋好.蒙自石榴、保山小粒咖啡、文山三七综合得分排名前三,华宁柑橘排名最后;保山小粒咖啡品牌认知度和品牌知名度得分最高,蒙自石榴、文山三七在美誉度和忠诚度上得分最高;华宁柑橘在品牌认可度、品牌美誉度和品牌忠诚度三个指标上的得分最低;武定鸡品牌认知度和品牌知名度得分最低.据此提出多渠道宣传提高品牌认知度、利用品牌资源优势与历史文化优势提升知名度、技术创新与推广持续推进品质筑牢品牌认可度、持续的顾客满意度维护品牌美誉度与忠诚度等建议,促进农产品区域公用品牌竞争力提升.

To focus on building a regional public brand for Yunnan's agricultural products and enhance the competitiveness of the agricultural product market in Yunnan Province.The article takes 7 regional agricultural product public brands in Yunnan Province as the research object and selects 5 indicators to reflect brand competi-tiveness,including brand awareness,brand recognition,brand reputation,and brand loyalty.From the consumers'perspective an evaluation questionnaire is designed to obtain first-hand data.Through SPSS software,a fuzzy com-prehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the competitiveness of agricultural product regional public brands from the consumer perspective.The results show that the 7 regional agricultural public brands,Mengzi Pomegranate,Baoshan Coffee,and Wenshan Notoginseng,are stronger brands,which primarily reflects the regional advantages of fruits,coffee,and medicinal materials in Yunnan;at the same time,Yuanmou Tomato,Menghai Tea,Wuding Chicken,and Huaning Citrus are relatively weaker brands,and appropriate countermeasures need to be found to im-prove the competitiveness of these brands.The overall level of brand competitiveness is good,and the brand reputa-tion and loyalty show a trend of improvement.Mengzi Pomegranate,Baoshan Coffee,and Wenshan Notoginseng rank first,second,and third in terms of comprehensive scores,while Huaning Citrus ranks last;Baoshan Coffee has the highest scores in brand awareness and brand,while Mengzi Pomegranate and Wenshan Notoginseng have the highest scores in brand reputation and brand loyalty;Huaning Citrus has the lowest scores in brand recognition,brand repu-tation,and brand loyalty;and Wuding Chicken has the weakest scores in brand awareness and bran.Based on this,suggestions are proposed to improve brand awareness through multi-channel promotion,utilize brand resource advan-tages and historical and cultural advantages to enhance awareness,continuously promote technological innovation and promotion to strengthen brand recognition through quality,maintain customer satisfaction,and maintain brand reputa-tion and loyalty,to promote the competitiveness of regional public brands for agricultural products.


西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南 昆明 650233



agricultural productbrandconsumerccompetitivenessfuzzy comprehensive evaluation method

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (004)

55-61 / 7

