

Discussion on the Practice of"Four-zone Separation"in Enterprises with Major Sources of Danger



Carrying out the"four-zone separation"remediation work in the storage and use of major sources of danger enterprises is the integra-tion of intelligent information technology and safety management,and is an effective measure to standardize and strengthen the prevention and control of safety risks of major sources of danger,which is of great significance to enhance the essential safety level of the storage enterprises of major sources of danger enterprises,to reduce the risks of individuals and the risks of the society,and to prevent the occurrence of serious and se-rious safety production accidents.This paper analyzes the practice of"four-zone separation"remediation in major hazardous source enterprises,describes the implementation background,practice effect,implementation significance and promotion effect of"four-zone separation"remedia-tion,with a view to providing an opportunity to carry out"four-zone separation"remediation for other major hazardous source enterprises.The analysis of the practice of"four-zone separation"in enterprises with major sources of danger illustrates the background,practical effect,signifi-cance and promotion of the implementation of"four-zone separation",with a view to providing specific ideas for other enterprises with major sources of danger to carry out the"four-zone separation".


云南三环新盛化肥有限公司, 云南 海口 650114



major hazard sourcesfour-zone separationapplication practice

《云南化工》 2024 (003)

160-163 / 4

