

Factors affecting semen quality of boars and reproductive performance of sows


为了探究不同因素对公猪精液品质和母猪繁殖性能的影响,选取广西某种公猪站 62 头加系杜洛克公猪、74 头长白公猪、221 头大白公猪以及288 头杜洛克母猪、247 头长白母猪、1 951 头大白母猪为试验群体,通过混合线性模型与方差分析探究品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔等因素对采精量、精液密度、精子活力、有效精子数的影响,并分析情期有效精子输入量、精子活力、配种季节、品种、母猪胎次对母猪受胎率、窝产总仔数的影响.结果:大白公猪采精量和有效精子数均高于长白公猪与杜洛克公猪(P<0.05 或P<0.01),杜洛克公猪精液密度显著高于长白公猪与大白公猪(P<0.05);春季精液密度最高,夏季有效精子数最少,秋冬季采精量和有效精子数最高(P<0.05 或P<0.01);公猪月龄越小采精量越低且有效精子数越少(P<0.01);3 个品种公猪采精量及精液密度和精子活力随采精间隔的延长均总体呈升高趋势,采精间隔为5d时综合性能最佳.情期内有效精子输入量指标显著影响杜洛克母猪的受胎率和窝产总仔数(P<0.05),精子活力指标显著影响杜洛克、长白、大白母猪受胎率、窝产总仔数和窝产活仔数(P<0.05),但情期内有效精子输入量的增加不会增加长白母猪与大白母猪的窝产总仔数(P>0.05).综上,品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔均会影响公猪精液质量,提高情期内有效精子输入量可提高杜洛克母猪受胎率和窝产总仔数,提升精子活力可提升杜洛克、大白和长白母猪受胎率与窝产总仔数.

In order to explore the effects of different factors on the semen quality of boars and the reproductive performance of sows,62 Du-roc boars,74 Landrace boars,221 Large White boars,288 Duroc sows,247 Landrace sows,and 1 951 Large White sows were selected from a boar breeding station in Guangxi as the experimental population.The effects of breed,semen collection month,semen collection age,and semen collection interval on semen volume,semen density,sperm motility,and effective sperm count were determined by mixed linear mod-els and analysis of variance.The effects of the effective sperm input during estrus,sperm motility,mating season,breed,and parity on the conception rate and total litter size of sows were also analyzed.The results were as follow:The semen volume and effective sperm count of Large White boars were higher than those of Landrace and Duroc boars(P<0.05 or P<0.01),and the semen density of Duroc boars was sig-nificantly higher than that of Landrace and Large White boars(P<0.05).In terms of time,the semen density was highest in spring and the effective sperm count was lowest in summer,while the semen volume and effective sperm count were highest in autumn and winter(P<0.05 or P<0.01).In terms of age,the younger the age of the boar,the lower the semen volume and the fewer the effective sperm count collected(P<0.01).In terms of interval,the semen volume,semen density,and sperm motility of boars from all three breeds showed an overall in-creasing trend with longer semen collection intervals,with the best comprehensive performance at a semen collection interval of 5 days.The effective sperm input during estrus significantly affected the conception rate and total litter size of Duroc sows(P<0.05),while spermmotili-ty significantly affected the conception rate,total litter size,and live litter size of Duroc,Landrace,and Large White sows(P<0.05).How-ever,increasing the effective sperm input during estrus did not increase the total litter size of Landrace and Large White sows(P>0.05).In summary,breed,semen collection month,semen collection age,and semen collection interval all affected the quality of boar semen.Increas-ing the effective sperm input during estrus only improved the conception rate and total litter size of Duroc sows,while improving sperm motili-ty raise the conception rate and total litter size of Duroc,Large White,and Landrace sows.


德州市现代生猪养殖技术创新中心,山东 德州 253000山东新希望六和集团有限公司养猪研究院,山东 青岛 266000



boarsemen qualitysowdelivery ratelitter size

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (004)

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