

Geochemical characteristics of primary halo and indication of deep prospecting in Xinfang gold deposit,Liaoning Province


辽东半岛南部的新房金矿床由 22、23、24、25、27 号 5 条矿脉带组成,矿区内主要矿体已被发现,提能增储成为制约矿山持续服务的因素,矿床勘查过程中的钻探工程部署迫切需要科学、有效的成矿预测依据.以新房金矿床 106 线 14 个钻孔原生晕数据为研究对象,研究地球化学特征和元素分带规律,建立轴向分带序列,在研究原生晕地球化学特征基础上开展深部找矿预测.结果表明,新房金矿的前缘晕元素为As、Sb、Hg,近矿晕元素为Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn,尾晕元素为W、Mo、Bi.采用分带指数法计算了 22、23、24、25、27 号 5 条矿脉带的轴向分带序列,指示 5 条矿脉带均出现"反分带"现象,可能是不同矿化阶段的矿体在空间上叠加导致正常的轴向分带序列出现错位.22、23、24、27 号矿脉带的中下部出现较强的前缘晕和近矿晕,结合地球化学参数特征,这 4 条矿脉带的As/W、As/Mo、Sb/W、(As×Sb)/(Mo×W)评价指标出现多次振荡波动,并且在深部由降转升,指示深部有较好的找矿潜力.综合以上分析认为,新房金矿床经历多次成矿热液活动,在 106 勘探线东侧矿体还有一定的延伸.

The Xinfang gold deposit is a large gold deposit on the southern edge of the Liaodong Peninsula,China.It consists of five vein belts including 22,23,24,25 and 27.The main ore bodies in the study area have been discovered,and energy enhancement and storage have become the factors restricting the continuous service of the mines.There is an urgent need for the deployment of drilling works in the process of ore deposit exploration to be based on scientific and effective mineralization prediction.This paper analyzes the geochemical characteristics of primary halo and zoning pattern of mineralization halo elements from 14 drillings within No.106 exploration line section in Xinfang gold deposit.Based on geochemical characteristics of primary halo,establish the axial zoning sequence and make prospecting prediction in the depth of the No.106 exploration line section.The study shows that the frontal elements are As,Sb,Hg,the near-ore indicator elements are Au,Ag,Cu,Pb,Zn and the rear elements are W,Mo,Bi in the Xinfang gold deposit.Axial zonation sequence of five lodes(including lode 22,23,24,25 and 27)derived from the Grigorian's zoning index method all present reverse zoning phenomenon,which are probably caused by multiple phases of mineralization.Stronger frontal halos and near-ore halos appear in the middle and lower part of lode 22,23,24 and 27,and the axial geochemical parameters of As/W,As/Mo,Sb/W,(As×Sb)/(Mo×W)have multiple oscilation fluctuations and increasing in the depth,which indicate better prospecting potential for those lodes in the depth.These features suggested that the ore bodies formed by multiple hydrothermal mineralization stages and some ore bodies may extend to the depth on the east side of No.106 exploration line section.


中国地质调查局西安矿产资源调查中心,陕西西安 710100中国地质调查局发展研究中心/自然资源部矿产勘查技术指导中心,北京 100037辽宁省地矿局第七地质大队有限责任公司,辽宁丹东 118003



primary halogeochemical characteristicsdeep prospectingXinfang gold depositmineral exploration engineeringLiaodong Peninsula

《地质通报》 2024 (002)

233-245 / 13


