

Population structure and dynamics of wild Acanthopanax senticosus in different regions of Northeast China


[目的]分析中国东北地区野生刺五加Acanthopanax senticosus种群结构特征,明确刺五加种群生存现状,预测种群未来的演替趋势,为东北地区野生刺五加种群的保护、利用及可持续发展提供理论依据.[方法]在小兴安岭、张广才岭和长白山具有代表性的生境设立调查样地,并对样地内植物进行调查.通过样地调查和数据统计,绘制刺五加种群的年龄结构图,编制种群静态生命表,拟合其存活曲线、死亡曲线及生存曲线,运用生存分析与数量化动态参数预测种群发展趋势.[结果]①3个区域野生刺五加种群的年龄结构均近似于"金字塔"型,幼龄期和成龄期株数占该区域刺五加总株数的 68.58%~83.04%,种群年龄结构稳定.②3个区域野生刺五加种群结构的数量变化动态指数(Vpn)和考虑未来外部干扰的种群年龄结构指数(V'pn)均大于 0,存活曲线均趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型,为增长型种群,且对外界干扰敏感性较强.③3个区域 1龄级的株数显著低于 2、3 龄级的株数,表明野生刺五加种子发芽率低,是目前该种群更新和发展的瓶颈.3 个区域种群均在前期逐渐减少,后期趋于稳定,但危险率逐渐上升,预示种群后期有衰退的趋势.[结论]目前 3个区域野生刺五加种群结构均为增长型,但幼龄级植株数量少,种群老龄个体数量发展潜力较小,种群整体的长期稳定性难以维持.建议加强对 1 龄级植株的精准抚育管理,通过人为辅助措施提高幼苗的保存率,促进野生刺五加种群的可持续发展.图3表5参35

[Objective]This study aims to analyze the structural characteristics of wild Acanthopanax senticosus population in Northeast China,clarify its survival status and predict the future succession trend,so as to provide scientific basis for conservation,utilization and sustainable development of A.senticosus population in Northeast China.[Method]Survey sample plots were set up in representative habitats in Xiaoxinganling,Zhangguangcailing and Changbai Mountain and the plants in the sample plots were surveyed.Based on sample survey and data statistics,the age structure of wild A.senticosus was mapped,its static life table was compiled,survival and mortality curves and survival function curves were fitted,and survival analysis and quantitative dynamic parameters were used to predict population development trend.[Result](1)The age structure of wild A.senticosus population in the three regions was similar to a"pyramid"type,and the number of young and mature plants accounted for 68.58%-83.04%of the total number of the species and the age structure of the population was stable.(2)In the three regions,the dynamic indices of quantitative changes in the population structure(Vpn)and the population age structure index considering future external interference(V'pn)were greater than 0,and the survival curves tended to be Deevey-Ⅱtype,indicating a growth type with high sensitivity to external interference.(3)In the three regions,the number of plants at the 1st age level was significantly lower than that at the 2nd and 3rd age levels,indicating that the low rate of seed germination was currently a bottleneck for the population renewal and development.The population in all the three regions gradually decreased in the early stage and stabilized in the later stage,but the risk rate gradually increased,indicating a decline trend in the population in the later stage.[Conclusion]At present,the population structure of wild A.senticosus in the three regions is of a growth type,but the number of young plants is small and the development potential of the number of old individuals in the population is small.It is difficult to maintain an overall long-term stability of wild A.senticosus population.It is recommended to strengthen the precise nurturing and management of 1-year-old individuals,improve the seedling preservation rate through artificial measures,and promote the sustainable development of wild A.senticosus population.[Ch,3 fig.5 tab.35 ref.]


东北林业大学化学化工与资源利用学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040||东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040



Northeast Chinawild Acanthopanax senticosusage structurequantitative dynamicssurvival analysis

《浙江农林大学学报》 2024 (002)

333-342 / 10


