

Vertical distribution of soil moisture in typical plantation in the loess region of western Shanxi Province


[目的]探究晋西黄土区人工林恢复过程中 0~500 cm土层土壤含水量垂直特征,为改善人工林土壤水环境,实现林水平衡提供理论依据.[方法]以晋西黄土区蔡家川流域 5种典型人工林(刺槐 Robinia pseudoacacia、侧柏Platycladus orientalis、油松Pinus tabuliformis、刺槐-侧柏、刺槐-油松)为研究对象,通过土钻烘干法测定 0~500 cm土层土壤含水量,分析人工林土壤含水量的垂直特征.[结果]研究区典型人工林平均土壤含水量由大到小依次为侧柏、刺槐-侧柏、油松、刺槐-油松、刺槐,5 种人工林土壤含水量差异显著(P<0.05),降水量及土壤质地是影响人工林土壤含水量的主要因素;在垂直方向上,人工林土壤含水量变异程度均为中等变异,变异系数随土层深度的增加呈减小趋势,约在 360 cm土层形成稳定变化,人工植被主要影响 0~360 cm土层内的土壤水,5 种人工林中刺槐林地土壤水分变异程度最大,侧柏林地土壤水分最为稳定;采用有序聚类法将人工林土壤水分垂直层次划分为交换层、利用层、调节层和稳定层,不同林分间层次划分深度存在一定差异.[结论]研究区人工林可导致土壤含水量一定程度的减少,刺槐、油松、刺槐-油松林会加剧对深层土壤水分的消耗,其中刺槐林对深层土壤水分的消耗最为明显,建议在林业生态工程建设时,适当减少刺槐林面积,提高侧柏栽植比例.对现存土壤含水量较低的刺槐林,通过间伐降低林分密度,或将其改造为混交林,以期改善土壤水环境,实现林水平衡.图5表2参28

[Objective]This study,with an investigation of the dynamic characteristics of 0-500 cm soil moisture in the restoration process of artificial forests in the loess region of western Shanxi Province,is aimed to provide theoretical basis for improving soil water environment of plantation and realizing forest water balance.[Method]First,with five typical plantations(Robinia pseudoacacia,Platycladus orientalis,Pinus tabuliformis,R.pseudoacacia-Platycladus orientalis,R.pseudoacacia-Pinus tabuliformis)selected as the research objects,oil drill drying method was employed to measure the soil moisture content of 0-500 cm before an anlysis was conducted of the vertical distribution and dynamic change characteristics of soil moisture in artificial forests.[Result]The average soil water content of plantations from large to small is Platycladus orientalis>R.pseudoacacia-Platycladus orientalis>Pinus tabuliformis>R.pseudoacacia-Pinus tabuliformis>R.pseudoacacia,showing a significant difference in the soil content and that precipitation and soil texture were the main factors affecting soil water content in plantations(P<0.05).Vertically,the variation degree of soil water content was moderate,and the variation coefficient decreased with the increase of soil depth with the variation of soil water content of each plantation becoming steady at a depth of about 360 cm whereas the artificial vegetation mainly affected the soil water in the range of 0-360 cm with the water variation of R.pseudoacacia forest being the highest,and that of Platycladus orientalis forest being the most stable.The vertical layers of soil water in the plantation were divided into exchange layer,use layer,regulation layer and stability layer by using the ordered clustering method with some differences in the depth of the layers among different stands.[Conclusion]The artificial forest land can reduce soil moisture to some extent in the study area and the consumption of deep soil water increases with the occurrence of drought in R.pseudoacacia,Pinus tabuliformis,R.pseudoacacia-Pinus tabuliformis,especially R.pseudoacacia forest.Therefore,it is suggested that during the construction of forestry ecological engineering,efforts should be made to reduce the planting of R.pseudoacacia forest and increase the planting of Platycladus orientalis in an appropriate manner,as well as transform the existing R.pseudoacacia forest with poor soil water status into a mixed forest,so as to improve the soil water environment and achieve forest water balance.[Ch,5 fig.2 tab.28 ref.]


北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083||北京林业大学山西吉县森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,北京 100083||北京林业大学水土保持国家林业和草原局重点实验室,北京 100083||北京林业大学北京市水土保持工程技术研究中心,北京 100083||北京林业大学林业生态工程教育部工程研究中心,北京 100083



soil moisture contentplantationvertical variation characteristicsmixed forestloess region of western Shanxi Province

《浙江农林大学学报》 2024 (002)


387-395 / 9


