

Spatial distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in typical cultivated soils in southwest Zhejiang Province


[目的]采集分析丽水市莲都区某乡土壤样品,了解全乡农田重金属污染情况,为后续开展土壤安全管理和污染综合治理提供科学依据.[方法]采用主成分分析法进行来源解析,运用单项污染指数法、内梅罗指数法、地积累指数法、潜在生态风险指数法及生态风险预警指数进行土壤重金属污染评价.[结果]土壤镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)超标率(风险筛选值)分别为 60.71%和 39.29%,但均低于农用地土壤污染风险管控值.土壤Cd污染指数(Pi)为 1.31,属于轻微污染,其余重金属小于 1,无污染;内梅罗指数(P综合)为 1.10,属于轻度污染.土壤Cd和Pb的地积累指数(Igeo)分别为1.74和 0.79,属中度污染和无污染-中度污染;其余重金属均处于清洁水平.5种重金属的潜在生态危害系数(Eir)均值小于 40,处于轻微水平风险;生态风险指数(IR)为 48.87,属于轻微风险.土壤生态风险预警指数(IER)处于轻度预警级别.汞(Hg)和铬(Cr)受到人为和自然双重因素影响,Cd、Pb和砷(As)主要受矿山开发过程中污染物排放和畜禽粪便施用等人类活动影响.[结论]研究区土壤总体为轻微污染,Cd和Pb是研究区农田土壤最重要的生态环境因子,后续应加强治理和动态检测,保障农产品安全.图4表6参37

[Objective]The heavy metal contamination of farmland in one town of Liandu District,was comprehensively mapped through soil sample collection and analysis,providing a scientific basis for subsequent comprehensive soil safety management and comprehensive pollution management.[Method]The principal component analysis(PCA),single-factor pollution index method(Pi),the Nemero index method(Pc),the land accumulation index method(Igeo),the potential ecological risk index method(IR)and ecological risk early warning index(IER)were used to analyze pollution assessment,and source analysis of heavy metal pollution in the study area.[Result]The exceedance rates of Cd and Pb(risk screening value)were 60.71%and 39.29%,respectively,but both were lower than the risk control value of soil pollution on agricultural land.The average value Piof Cd was 1.31,indicating a slightly polluted level,while Pivalue of the other heavy metals was less than 1,indicating in the clean.Pc value was 1.10,indicating a slightly polluted level.The Igeo value of Cd and Pb was 1.74 and 0.79,indicating in moderate pollution and no pollution-moderate pollution respectively,the rest of the heavy metals was in the clean.The average potential ecological hazard coefficient Eir of five heavy metals was less than 40,indicating a slight ecological risk.The average value of IR was 48.87,indicating a slight ecological risk.IER reached the slight early warning.Hg and Cr were influenced by both human and natural factors,while Cd,Pb and As were mainly caused human activities such as mining pollution and livestock manure application.[Conclusion]The soil in the study area is generally slightly polluted.Cd and Pb are the most important ecological elements in agricultural soils,and subsequent treatment and dynamic detection should be increased to ensure the safety of agricultural products.[Ch,4 fig.6 tab.37 ref.]


丽水市莲都区土肥能源发展中心,浙江 丽水 323000丽水市土肥植保能源总站,浙江 丽水 323000浙江农林大学浙江省土壤污染生物修复重点实验室,浙江杭州 311300



heavy metals in soilspatial analysisrisk assessmentsource apportionment

《浙江农林大学学报》 2024 (002)

396-405 / 10


