

Analysis on the Construction of High-quality Textbook of Vocational Education under the Perspective of Policy Tool



The construction of vocational education textbooks is an important content to promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education.Eighteen policy documents on vocational education textbooks issued at the national level since the new era are selected as samples,and the contents related to textbook construction are analyzed based on the two-dimensional analysis framework of policy tools and policy contents.The results found that the policy tools used in the construction of vocational education textbooks in China are diverse,but there is structural imbalance;the content of the policy is comprehensive,but the degree of attention is different;and there are some differences in the allocation of policy tools and policy contents.In order to promote the high-quality development of China's vocational education textbook construction in the new era,we should optimize the configuration structure of policy tools and give play to the efficiency of multiple tool combinations;improve the distribution structure of policy attention and perfect the supply system of policy content;and strengthen the coupling of policy content and tools and enhance the effectiveness of policy implementation.




vocational educationtextbook constructionpolicy toolspolicy documents

《职业技术教育》 2024 (005)

11-17 / 7
