

Discussion on Several Key Points of High-quality Textbooks Construction in Vocational Education



Textbooks are important carriers for cultivating roots and casting souls,enlightening wisdom and increasing intelligence,and are an important support for talent cultivation.From the three perspectives of"what to write""who to write"and"how to write",we discuss the practice and experience of the construction of textbooks for vocational education planning in Shanghai.In terms of"what to write",Shanghai adheres to the principle of grasping the essence of textbooks based on the authority of the state,implementing the teaching function,clarifying the positioning of textbooks,strengthening the attributes of the curriculum,selecting the right topics for textbooks,highlighting the characteristics of vocational education and standardizing the naming of textbooks.In terms of"who to write",Shanghai insists on implementing the unit writing system to strengthen the organization of the main body of textbooks;implementing the editor-in-chief responsibility system to strengthen the quality of the main body of textbooks;and setting up a diversified and heterogeneous team to strengthen the implementation of the main body of textbooks.In terms of"how to write",Shanghai insists on content is the most important,strict management procedures and standardized writing process.




vocational education textbookstextbooks writingcontents of textbookswriting team

《职业技术教育》 2024 (005)

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