

Investigation of Ground Deformations in Mining Areas Using the Adaptive DS-InSAR Method Combined with Land Cover



Traditional multi-temporal InSAR (MT-InSAR) technology commonly employs a global single threshold in selecting valid pixels. In mining areas where there are significant temporal and spatial decorrelation effects or where the deformation gradient is large in a short period, the issue of sparse measuring points and inadequate spatial sampling frequently arises, further causing the incomplete acquisition of ground subsidence information. Here, we take 22 scenes of ALOS-1 images covering the Datong mining area as an example and use the adaptive distributed scatterer InSAR combined with land cover (ADSI-CLC) method to measure the long term time series of ground deformations in this area. The results indicate that the spatial-temporal distribution pattern of the deformation measurements obtained by ADSI-CLC method is similar to that of the StaMPS-SBAS method, and has a good corre-lation with mining facilities on high-resolution optical remote sensing images. However, the ADSI-CLC method can significantly increase the number and spatial distribution density of measuring points, identifying approximately four times as many distributed scatterers (DS) points as the StaMPS-SBAS method in this study area. Specifically, the consistency between the two methods is high in areas with zero deformation or minor deformation. In regions with large deformation, the StaMPS-SBAS method cannot effectively obtain deformation measurements, while the ADSI-CLC method can derive deformation measurement results that are consistent with the funnel-shaped spatial distribu-tion characteristics caused by mining activities, because of the increased number of measuring points. These results indirectly verify the reliability and effectiveness of the ADSI-CLC method in the ground deformations monitoring of the mining areas. Overall, the ADSI-CLC method can provide more detailed temporal and spatial deformation information, and can be used to monitor and warn the surface stability in mining areas.


北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871||空间信息集成与3S工程应用北京市重点实验室,北京 100871


ADSI-CLC methoddistributed scattererdeformations monitoring of mining areasDatong mining area

《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

265-276 / 12


