

Causes of Accumulated Air and Tail water Malfunctions in Rubber Dam and Design of a Pumping and Drainage System



In water-filled rubber dams,air often accumulates at the top of the dam bag following water filling,which is challenging to completely remove.Similarly,when the rubber dam collapses and discharges water,residual tail-water frequently remains at the bottom of the dam bag,resisting complete discharge.To tackle these common prob-lems,a system for efficiently pumping and discharging accumulated air and tailwater in rubber dams has been de-veloped.Based on an analysis of the underlying causes and potential consequences of these problems,this paper in-troduces conceptual design principles and methodologies for the pumping and discharging pipeline,power device,and control system.Through verification via typical application examples,it has been demonstrated that this system effectively mitigates faults caused by accumulated air and tailwater along with associated challenges,and also en-sures the rubber dam impounds at maximum water level and discharges at maximum discharge section.This innova-tion offers valuable insights for the meticulous design of rubber dam projects and the enhancement of traditional de-sign approaches.


烟台市城市水源工程运行维护中心,山东烟台 264004



rubber damaccumulated airtailwaterpumping and drainage systemfault analysisoperation man-agementstructural design

《长江科学院院报》 2024 (004)

181-186,193 / 7

