

Discussion on Treatment of Adenomyosis from Perspetive of Dampness and Stasis Based on"Unsmooth Blood Circulation Re-sults in Water Retention"



"Unsmooth Blood circulation results in Water retention"is a discussion on the pathological relationship between Blood and Wa-ter,which was put forward by Zhang Zhonging in the synopsis of the Golden Chamber.Blood stasis is the core pathogenesis of adenomyosis,and the type of Dampness-stasis interjunction is the most common clinical type.This article explores the relationship between the mutual trans-formation and disease of Blood and Water,and discusses the treatment of Dampness and Blood stasis in the type of adenomyosis,starting from the perspective of"Blood deficiency leads to Water deficiency".It proposes that Blood stasis is the source of the onset of adenomyosis,and the blockage of Blood stasis leads to abnormal metabolism of body fluid,resulting in pathological Water Dampness.The stagnation of Water Dampness also exacerbates the blockage of Blood stasis.Blood stasis and Water Dampness are mutually causal and cementitious,leading to the onset of disease.Therefore,treatment should regulate Blood stasis,The Blood and Water combination therapy of removing Blood stasis and dehumidification can be chosen,providing a theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of adenomyosis.


成都中医药大学附属医院,四川 成都 610072



Unsmooth Blood circulation results in Water retentionAdenomyosisBlood stasisWater DampnessBlood and Water treatmentDanggui-Shaoyao-San

《成都中医药大学学报》 2024 (002)

55-58 / 4


