

Design of handheld intelligent magnetic susceptibility meter based on resonance method


文章基于谐振原理设计了一款手持式智能磁化率仪,推导了谐振原理法测量岩石磁化率计算公式,仿真探究谐振法测量岩石磁化率的影响因素,结合仿真结果与实际探测需要对仪器进行整体设计.基于LDC1614搭建外围电路,设计了4层螺旋线圈等距并联的电感传感器、信号提取程序和上位机操作界面,完成了磁化率仪样机制作.该仪器轻便易携(重量仅0.2 kg)、操作简单,测量结果与国外同类仪器比较误差低于5%,仪器精度可达10-7.仪器适合野外及实验室测量,具有实际工程利用价值.

In this paper, a handheld intelligent susceptibility meter was designed based on the resonance principle. A calculation formula for the resonance principle method was derived to measure the magnetic susceptibility of rock. Simulation of the influencing factors of the resonance method was conducted to explore the magnetic susceptibility of rock. The overall design of the instrument was informed by the simulation results and actual detection needs. The peripheral circuit was constructed based on LDC1614, and the inductance sensor, signal extraction program, and operation interface for the upper computer were designed. The prototype of the magnetic susceptibility instrument was completed. The instrument is portable (weighing only 0.2 kg) and is easy to operate. The measurement error is less than 5% compared with similar foreign instruments, and the accuracy of the instrument can reach 10-7. It is suitable for both field and laboratory measurements and holds practical engineering value.


重庆大学电气工程学院,重庆 400044



rock magnetic susceptibilityresonance principleLDC1614planar inductance coil

《重庆大学学报》 2024 (003)

75-85 / 11

国家重点研发计划课题资助项目(2017YFC0601804).Supported by the National Key R&D Program Topics of China(2017YFC0601804).

