

Source-sink processes of marine black carbon in the context of"carbon neutrality"


黑碳是由生物质和化石燃料不完全燃烧生成的碳质混合物.由于黑碳含碳量高,具有芳构化的分子结构,可在自然环境中长期存在,因此黑碳是全球碳循环的重要组分.虽然近年来有关黑碳的性质以及黑碳在地球各圈层中的循环通量及储量的研究取得了一定的进展,但仍需进一步厘清其源汇过程,探讨黑碳在全球碳循环中的作用.初步梳理了全球黑碳循环的路径、通量、时间尺度的相关数据,分析总结了海洋黑碳源汇过程中的迁移机制及相关制约因素.分析认为:海洋沉积物是黑碳的巨大储库,储量达569~1 380 Pg,黑碳可在海洋沉积物中持续存在数千年,符合当前"碳中和"背景下"有效碳汇"长周转时间这一重要条件;同时,黑碳在环境中的周转循环时间一般长于生物质碳,对全球变暖具有负反馈效应.因此,黑碳入海沉积是一种有效的海洋碳增汇和碳封存手段,可能是实施碳的捕集、利用和封存(CCUS)战略的有效途径.通过总结与评估海洋沉积物中的黑碳在"碳中和"领域的战略价值和气候意义,认为在生态环境友好的前提下,应积极调控生物质燃烧成因的黑碳的生产源头,优化黑碳入海沉积路径和埋藏海域,充分发挥黑碳在海洋负排放中的积极作用,为我国海洋"碳中和"目标的实现提供基础理论支撑.

[Objective]Black carbon is a carbonaceous mixture formed by the incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels.Since black carbon has a high carbon content and an aromatized molecular structure,it can persist in the natural environment,suggesting that black carbon is an important component of the global carbon cycle.Al-though pioneering studies have advanced the understanding of nature,circulation fluxes,and reserves of black car-bon in the geosphere,it is still necessary to further clarify the source-sink processes of black carbon and explore the importance of black carbon in the global carbon cycle.[Methods]Here,this study reviews the available data on pathways,fluxes,and time scales of the global black carbon cycle and analyses and summarizes the migration mechanisms and constraints in the source-sink process of marine black carbon.[Results]This paper concludes that marine sediments serve as a large reservoir for black carbon,with a reserve of 569-1 380 Pg.Black carbon can persist over millennia in marine sediments,which is associated with a long turnover time as an"effective car-bon sink"in the context of"carbon neutrality".Moreover,black carbon exerts a negative feedback effect on global warming due to its longer turnover cycle time than biomass carbon.The deposition of black carbon into the sea is an effective means to enhance carbon sequestration in the ocean and could be an effective way to implement the carbon capture,utilization,and storage(CCUS)strategy.[Conclusion]In this paper,we propose that human-induced production of black carbon from biogenic combustion may be actively regulated and that the deposition pathways and burial areas of black carbon into the sea should also be optimized given the premise of ecological and environmental friendliness based on a summary and assessment of the strategic value and climate significance of black carbon in marine sediments in the context of"carbon neutrality".Therefore,the positive role of black carbon in"negative o-cean carbon emissions"can provide a basic theoretical framework for achieving the goals of"carbon neutrality".


中国海洋大学海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室,山东青岛 266100||中国海洋大学海洋碳中和创新研究中心,山东青岛 266100||青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室,山东青岛 266071中国海洋大学海洋碳中和创新研究中心,山东青岛 266100||中国海洋大学海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室,山东青岛 266100||中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,山东青岛 266100



carbon neutralityblack carbonsource-sink processesgeological carbon sinkocean

《地质科技通报》 2024 (002)


318-329 / 12


