

Characteristics of transtensional strike-slip faults and its controlling effect on hydrocarbon accumulation in Wuerhe area,Karamay,Xinjiang



Wuerhe bituminous vein is a small left-lateral strike-slip fault zone situated above the Wuerhe nasal uplift of the Wuxia fault zone in the northwest margin of the Junggar Basin.Following its formation,no significant transformation occurred,and vein-type bitumen deposits have developed within the fault zones.With favorable outcrop geological conditions and comprehensive three-dimensional seismic coverage,this area serves as a natural laboratory for studying strike-slip faults and reservoir control characteristics.In this study,UAV 3D modeling technology is employed to quantitatively analyze and dissect the outcrop of the strike-slip fault zone,combined with field section measurements.Seventeen faults are revealed in the fault zone,exhibiting a geese-like pattern on the northwest side of the main fault and a horsetail-like pattern on the southeast side,resulting in an overall negative flower-shaped fault zone.These results indicate that the formation of the faults can be attributed to Yanshanian sinistral shear stress within a tension-torsion environment influenced by tensile stress.The fracture cavity and induced fractures,particularly the active disk fracture,are well-developed.The opening of the cavity is positively correlated with the width of oil and gas infiltration.Based on the analysis of the relationship between transtensional strike-slip faults and reservoirs in Tarim Basin,it is believed that these faults serve as excellent vertical channels for hydrocarbon migration,active disks act as conduits while passive disks function as seals,traps located adjacent to active-disk of strike-slip faults represent ideal areas for oil and gas accumulation.


深层油气全国重点实验室,中国石油大学(华东)山东青岛 266580||崂山国家实验室 山东青岛 266061深层油气全国重点实验室,中国石油大学(华东)山东青岛 266580中国石化西北油田分公司 乌鲁木齐 830011



Northwestern margin of Junggar BasinWuxia fault beltWuerhe bituminous veinTranstensional strike-slip faultsReservoir control

《地质科学》 2024 (002)

300-312 / 13


