

Definition of a Meso-Cenozoic tectonic uplift event and its geological significance in the Hoxtolgay Basin,northern Xinjiang:Evidence from low-temperature thermochronology


新疆北部西准噶尔造山带的构造属性长期以来存在争议,确定该地区中、新生代的构造事件及隆升过程是研究该地区陆内变形的关键所在.本文对造山带内山间盆地——和什托洛盖盆地的构造抬升事件进行系统分析,基于研究区野外地质调查及断裂解析,识别出C/J、J/AnJ、J/E和K/E以及E/N等5期区域不整合面,这些不整合是构造活动的直接证据.盆地中、新生代受南北两条控盆断裂近N-S向挤压应力持续挤压.砂岩样品磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布在晚侏罗世末期—早白垩世早期(149~125 Ma)、早白垩世中期(121~109 Ma)和晚白垩世早期(80.0~77.7 Ma)3个区间,反映出该地区在这3个时期发生了明显的冷却抬升事件,3期冷却抬升事件与野外地质特征有很好的地质响应.热史模拟表明晚侏罗世—早白垩世(160~110 Ma)、晚白垩世(85~65 Ma)和渐新世—上新世(30~5 Ma)发生了快速隆升事件.盆地构造抬升的主要应力为周缘山系抬升及断裂活动挤压.综合研究表明,盆地中、新生代经历了3期明显的构造抬升事件,与中、新生代印支运动、燕山运动和喜山运动远程效应有很好的耦合性.

The structural attributes of the West Junggar Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang have been a subject of long-standing controversy.Determining the tectonic events and uplift processes in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic in this region is crucial for studying the intracontinental deformation.This article presents a systematic analysis of the tectonic uplift events in the intermontane basins within the orogenic belt,particularly focusing on the Hoxtolgay Basin.Based on field geological surveys and fault analysis,five regional unconformities(C/J,J/AnJ,J/E,K/E and E/N)have been identified as direct evidence of tectonic activity.In the Mesozoic-Cenozoic,the basin was subjected to N-S compression stress due to two controlling faults to the north and south.The apatite fission track ages of sandstone samples indicate three distinct cooling and uplift events in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous(149~125 Ma),Mid-Cretaceous(121~109 Ma),and early Late Cretaceous(80.0~77.7 Ma),reflecting a strong geological response to these three periods of cooling uplift events.Thermal history simulations suggest rapid uplift events during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous(160~110 Ma),Late Cretaceous(85~65 Ma),and Oligocene to Miocene(30~5 Ma).The main stress causing the basin's tectonic uplift is the uplift of peripheral mountain ranges and the compression from fault activity.The comprehensive study indicates that the Mesozoic-Cenozoic period experienced three distinct tectonic uplift events,which are well-coupled with the far-field effects of the Indosinian,Yanshan and Xishan movements during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic.


新疆中亚造山带大陆动力学与成矿预测自治区重点实验室 乌鲁木齐 830047||新疆大学地质与矿业工程学院 乌鲁木齐 830047



Fission-trackThermal historyTectonic evolutionHoxtolgay BasinMeso-Cenozoic

《地质科学》 2024 (002)

313-329 / 17


