

Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Agronomic Traits,Yield,and Quality of Heihe 43


为促进黑龙江省北部大豆产业提质增效,本研究以目前国内种植面积最大的大豆品种黑河43为研究对象,设置8组不同施肥处理:常规施肥区,尿素2 kg·666.67 m-2、磷酸二铵8 kg·666.67 m-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;磷处理 1 区,磷酸二铵8 kg·666.67 m-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;磷处理2 区,磷酸二铵 10 kg·666.67 n-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;磷处理3区,磷酸二铵 12 kg·666.67 m-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;无钾区,尿素2 kg·666.67 m-2、磷酸二铵8 kg·666.67 m-2;无磷区,尿素5.13 kg·666.67 m-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;无氮区,磷酸钙8 kg·666.67 m-2、硫酸钾5 kg·666.67 m-2;空白区.研究轮作条件下氮、磷、钾对黑河43农艺性状、品质及产量的影响.结果表明:不同肥料处理对黑河43农艺性状影响存在一定差异,其中氮肥施用与株高、底荚高显著正相关,其他性状差异均不显著;肥料处理对黑河43籽粒大小及品质的影响差异显著,其中空白CK与缺氮PK处理区百粒重、蛋白质含量均显著低于其它处理,缺氮PK处理区脂肪含量均显著高于其他处理;在合理范围内增施氮肥、磷肥可显著提高黑河43的产量,补充钾肥可显著提高黑河43抗病性进而提高产量,其中N3P3K处理区2年产量均显著高于其他处理区.缺素处理区2年产量结果一致,效应依次:NK>NP>PK;通过相关性聚类热图分析,将黑河43综合农艺性状分成2大类,第Ⅰ类为蛋白与产量构成因子:包含产量、单株粒重、单株粒数、单株荚数、节数、感病率、蛋白、底荚高、百粒重、株高,相邻性状两两相关性最高,第Ⅱ类为脂肪与密度,脂肪含量与密度显著正相关.将不同肥料处理分成2大类,第Ⅰ类是缺N区,包含空白CK处理区和PK缺氮区,第Ⅱ类是含氮肥区,进一步说明氮肥是黑河43生物量形成的基础,平衡施肥对黑河43产量及品质具有重要促进作用.

To promote the improvement of quality and efficiency in the soybean industry in northern Heilongjiang province,in this study,the soybean variety Heihe 43,which has the largest planting area in China,was used as the research object,and 8 groups:Conventional fertilization areas,urea 2 kg·666.67 m-2,diammonium phosphate 8 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2;Phosphorus treatment zone 1,diammonium phosphate 8 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2;Phosphorus treatment zone 2,diammonium phosphate 10 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2;Phosphorus treatment zone 3,diammonium phosphate 12 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2;Potassium-free zone,urea 2 kg·666.67 m-2,diammonium phosphate 8 kg·666.67 m-2;Phosphorus-free zone,urea 5.13 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2;Nitrogen free zone,calcium phosphate 8 kg·666.67 m-2,potassium sulfate 5 kg·666.67 m-2.The effects of N,P and K on the agronomic characters,quality and yield of Heihe 43 under different fertilization treatments were studied.The results showed that there were some differences in the effects of different fertilizer treatments on the agronomic traits of Heihe 43.Nitrogen fertilizer application had significant positive correlation with plant height and bottom pod height,but no significant difference in other traits.The effects of fertilizer treatment on seed size and quality of Heihe 43 were significant.The 100-seed weight and protein content in blank CK and nitrogen-deficient PK treated areas were significantly lower than other treatments,and fat content in nitrogen-deficient PK treated areas was significantly higher than other treatments.The yield of Heihe 43 could be significantly increased by applying N and P fertilizer within a reasonable range,and the disease resistance of Heihe 43 could be significantly improved by adding K fertilizer.The 2-year yield of N3P3K treatment area was significantly higher than that of other treatment areas.The results of 2-year yield in the deficient areas were consistent,and the effect was NK>NP>PK.The comprehensive agronomic traits of Heihe 43 were divided into two categories by correlation cluster heat map analysis.The first category was protein and yield component factors,including yield,seed weight per plant,seed number per plant,pods number per plant,nodes number,disease susceptibility,protein,bottom pod height,100-seed weight and plant height,and the pin-wise correlation between adjacent traits was the highest.The second category was fat and density,and fat content and density were significantly positively correlated.Different fertilizer treatments were divided into 2 categories.The first category was N-deficient area,including blank CK treatment area and PK nitrogen deficiency area,and the second category was nitrogen-containing area,which further indicated that nitrogen fertilizer was the basis of biomass formation of Heihe 43,and balanced fertilization had an important role in promoting the yield and quality of Heihe 43.


黑龙江省农业科学院黑河分院/农业农村部国家农业科学土壤质量爱辉观测站,黑龙江黑河 164300


Heihe 43fertilizeragronomic traitsyieldquality

《大豆科学》 2024 (002)

194-201 / 8


