

Sedimentary and Biotic Response of Kioto Carbonate Platform to the Late Pliensbachian(Early Jurassic)Carbon-Isotope Perturbations in Southern Tibet


[目的]早侏罗世发生了多次重要的碳循环扰动,并伴随气候和环境的重大变化.然而,现有的研究主要集中于西特提斯和欧洲北部,对东特提斯碳循环扰动事件以及定量探究事件对生物影响的相关报道较少.[方法]利用东特提斯藏南Kioto碳酸盐台地普林斯巴晚期—托阿尔(最早)期的生物地层学(大型底栖有孔虫)、沉积学和碳同位素(δ13C)地层学,探讨碳循环扰动以及相应的气候环境变化对该地区的碳酸盐台地生物演化过程影响.[结果]普林斯巴晚期—托阿尔(最早)期大型底栖有孔虫生物地层显示有3个带:Bosniella oenensis-Cyclorbitosella tibetica(?)、Streptocyclammina liasica和Siphovalvulina sp.A.在生物地层基础上,我们识别出以δ13C正偏移为特征的普林斯巴晚期margaritatus菊石带事件(margaritatus zone event,ME)和以δ13C负偏移为特征的margaritatus-spinatum界线事件(margaritatus-spinatum boundary event,MSBE).[结论]在ME期间,生屑颗粒含量呈增长趋势、大型底栖有孔虫的种属和数量保持较高的水平以及Lithiotis Fauna出现并扩散,这可能表明有机质的大量埋藏消耗了辛涅缪尔晚期—普林斯巴早期产生的大量CO2,从而创造了更适合生物生存的海洋环境条件.在MSBE期间,生屑颗粒含量以及Lithiotis Fauna丰度和长度整体呈下降趋势,并且部分大型底栖有孔虫的灭绝,表明该时期存在着生物危机,可能与海平面下降有关.虽然Lithiotis Fauna存在大小和出现的频率变化,但不可否认的是,Lithiotis Fauna在普林斯巴期整个特提斯浅水碳酸盐台地蓬勃发展,直到T-OAE时期才完全破坏其生存条件.

[Objective]During the Early Jurassic,multiple significant perturbations of the carbon-cycle occurred that coincided with abrupt and extreme changes in climate and environment.However,existing research has primari-ly focused on the western Tethys and northern Europe,with limited attention given to carbon cycle disturbances in the eastern Tethys and the quantitative assessment of their impact on biota.[Methods]This study examined the bio-logical(larger benthic foraminifera),sedimentological,and carbon-isotope(δ13C)stratigraphy from the southern Tibetan Kioto Platform formed in the southeastern Tethys during the Late Pliensbachian-Earliest Toarcian interval to investigate the influence of carbon-cycle perturbations and corresponding climatic and environmental variations on the evolution of carbonate-platform biota in the region.In addition,this study quantitatively analyzed the content of carbonate skeletal grains,the number and species changes of lager benthic foraminifera,and the distribution of Lithiotis Fauna to explore the impact of these events on biota.[Results]Three foraminiferal zones were recognized:Pliensbachian Bosniella oenensis-Cyclorbitosella tibetica(?)and Streptocyclammina liasica,as well as the Earliest Toarcian Siphovalvulina sp.A.According to the sedimentary structure and the quantitative analysis of grains composi-tion and content,this study identified nine carbonate microfacies(MF)from the Pupuga Formation in the Dongqiu section.These microfacies included mudstone(MF1),dolomitic peloidal wackestone(MF2),bioclastic peloidal packstone(MF3),bioclastic wackestone/packstone(MF4),intraclastic packstone-grainstone(MF5),lump grain-stone(MF6),Lithiotis rudstone(MF7),bioclastic grainstone(MF8),and oolitic grainstone(MF9).The sedimentary microfacies and microfacies assemblages reveal that the Pupuga Formation in the Dongqiu section represented the shallow-water carbonate platform deposit,characterized by minimal influence from terrigenous input.Furthermore,temporal variation in microfacies demonstrated that the Dongqiu section provided a comprehensive record of a sedimentary succession,delineating a gradual transition from the open platform and platform margin to the inner plat-form,succeeded by a swift reversion towards the open platform and platform margin.Based on biostratigraphy,two carbon isotope excursion events in the Late Pliensbachian were identified:the margaritatus zone event(ME)characterized by positive carbon isotope excursion and the margaritatus-spinatum zone boundary event(MSBE)with negative carbon isotope excursion as a feature.[Conclusions]During the ME period,there was an increase in skeletal grain content,maintenance of high species diversity and abundance of larger benthic foraminifera,and the occurrence and spread of Lithiotis Fauna.This may indicate that the persistent burial of organic matter consumed atmospheric pCO2 generated during the Late Sinemurian to Early Pliensbachian interval,creating more suitable marine environmental conditions for biotic survival.In contrast,during the MSBE period,there was a decrease in the abundance and size of Lithiotis Fauna and skeletal grain content,along with the extinction of several index larger benthic foraminifera.This evidence indicates a possible relationship between biotic crises and sea-level fall.Although there were changes in the size and frequency of occurrence of the Lithiotis Fauna,it is undeniable that they flourished throughout the Tethyan shallow carbonate platform during the Pliensbachian interval,and the conditions for skeletal production of carbonates were not completely destroyed until the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event.


成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院,武汉 430074成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059||成都理工大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610059南京大学地球科学与工程学院内生金属矿床成矿机制研究全国重点实验室,南京 210023中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心,成都 610059



Pliensbachiancarbonate platformcarbonate microfaciescarbon-isotope perturbationsbiotic crisis

《沉积学报》 2024 (002)


415-433 / 19

国家自然科学基金项目(42002121,41888101,42272116);国际地球科学计划项目(IGCP739) National Natural Science Foun dation of China,No.42002121,41888101,42272116;International Geoscience Programme,No.IGCP739

