

Quantitative Study on the Composition and Evolution of the Late Triassic Carnian Shallow-Water Carbonate Factories in Northwestern Sichuan


[目的]准确识别碳酸盐工厂类型并阐明其发育控制因素,定量化评价工厂发育过程的环境条件,厘清其在沉积体系转换过程中的古生态学和沉积学信号是探究碳酸盐岩沉积体系演化的关键.[方法]以川西北绵竹市汉旺镇观音崖剖面的马鞍塘组为例,通过系统的碳酸盐岩微相分析,结合粒径统计分析方法对20 391个颗粒定量分析,在此基础上对该时期热带浅水碳酸盐生产工厂的构成、特征、转变过程、驱动因素等进行了详细阐述.[结果]研究区热带浅水碳酸盐生产工厂可进一步划分为似球粒、鲕粒、生屑及生物礁等多个细分特异化工厂类型,指示多样化的碳酸盐生产路径.通过分析研究区热带浅水工厂的构成,沉积环境、水动力条件和营养水平等因素,发现各个细分工厂类型有着非常强烈的"生境"特点,工厂类型的转变更多地受区域海平面变化控制.[结论]频繁的海平面变化导致营养水平、水动力条件和碳酸盐矿物饱和度等因素快速变化,进而驱动了具体细分工厂的转变.而众多细分工厂在沉积序列上的快速变化指示了它们在横向上的共生关系.因此,较短时间尺度下细分工厂类型的转变主要与区域海平面控制的横向生产工厂类型的迁移有关,与极端事件和沉积体系的转变可能无关.

[Objective]The precipitation and accumulation of massive carbonates are called the"carbonate factory".Environmental and biological factors,such as water depth,light intensity,nutrients,hydrodynamics,climatic condi-tions,and sea-water chemistry control the composition of different carbonate factories.To properly understand the evolution of the carbonate sedimentary system,it is essential to accurately identify different types of carbonate facto-ries and the factors controlling their development.To achieve this,the quantitative evaluation of the environmental and biological parameters in the transition of sedimentary systems is key.[Methods]In this study,the composition,characteristics,type transitions,and driving forces of tropical shallow-water carbonate factories within the Ma'antang Formation were studied in detail.We applied a systematic microfacies analysis in the deposition of the Ma'antang For-mation at the Guanyinya section,Hanwang town,Mianzhu city,northwest Sichuan.Microfacies characteristics,in-cluding types and percentages of carbonate grains,matrix,and fossils,combined with quantitative analysis of the size and morphological parameters of 20,391 carbonate grains,including circularity,roundness,solidity,and as-pect ratio,were analyzed from the thin sections.The size data were corrected and then used to calculate the average particle sizes,degree of sorting,skewness,and kurtosis following the Folk and Ward method.The analyses of the above-mentioned morphological parameters were accomplished in ImageJ using high-resolution scanning photos of the studied thin sections.[Results]Eleven carbonate microfacies are recognized in the study area.Based on the micro-facies characteristics,the 11 microfacies types are further classified into five lithofacies associations(LA):LA-peloids,LA-ooids,LA-skeletal grain,LA-sponge reef,and LA-shale,correlating to four specific carbonate factories,including peloids,ooids,skeletal grains,and sponge reef.The statistical data reveal that the LA-peloids exhibit the smallest average grain size,characterized by regular shapes and good roundness.However,the sedimentation was a carbonate sediment mixture with relatively poor sorting,and the shape coefficient had significant fluctuations,sug-gesting a medium to high-energy environment.Carbonate grains are relatively pure and slightly larger in the LA-ooids than the LA-peloids.Multiple samples demonstrate a concentrated average grain size distribution with predominantly near-circular grains.The ooids are well cemented with sparry calcite,indicating the strongest hydrodynamic condition over the studied sedimentary succession.The LA-skeletal grain contains various carbonate grains,displaying poor sorting and roundness in the statistical results.Furthermore,part of the carbonate grains of the LA-skeletal grains is deposited in the micritic matrix,indicating relatively deep and quiet water with weak hydrodynamic energy.[Conclu-sions]The primary carbonate grain types in the different specific factories indicated different depositional mecha-nisms that drive different carbonate production pathways.By analyzing the composition,depositional environment,hydrodynamic,and nutrient level of tropical shallow water factories in the study area,each specific factory has strong"habitat"characteristics.The rapid transition of different specific carbonate factories in the sedimentary succession indicates that they coexisted at the horizontal level.Frequent sea level changes can lead to rapid changes in hydrodynamic level,carbonate saturation,and other factors,driving the transition of factory types.Additionally,the nutrient level is crucial in regulating carbonate production and may control the formation of different specific types of carbonate factories in shallow-water environments.Therefore,the rapid transformation of subdivided specific carbonate factories on a short time scale is primarily related to the horizontal migration of factory types controlled by regional sea level and may not be related to extreme climate events and the transformation of sedimentary systems.


成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059||油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059||自然资源部深时地理环境重建与应用重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059||自然资源部沉积盆地与油气资源重点实验室,成都 610081成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059||油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059||自然资源部深时地理环境重建与应用重点实验室,成都理工大学,成都 610059



Sichuan BasinLate TriassicCarniancarbonate factorycarbonate sediment processgrains statistics

《沉积学报》 2024 (002)


445-465 / 21

国家自然科学基金项目(42293291,42102143);自然资源部沉积盆地与油气资源重点实验室开放基金(cdcgs2022003) National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.42293291,42102143;Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Sedimentary Basin and Oil and Gas Resources,Ministry of Natural Resources,No.cdcgs2022003

