

Provenance Analysis of the Middle Jurassic in Northeastern Qaidam Basin:Evidence from heavy minerals,elemental geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology


[目的]柴达木盆地北缘东段地区广泛出露侏罗纪残留地层.由于后期强烈改造,该地区侏罗纪原型盆地被严重破坏,其残留凹陷原始沉积关系、原型盆地发育及展布规律一直是学术界的研究热点.[方法]通过对该地区中侏罗统碎屑岩样品的重矿物Q型聚类分析、全岩地球化学以及碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学分析,进行了系统物源分析,并结合古构造背景、地层与沉积相特征,对该地区侏罗纪原型盆地进行了初步探讨.[结果与结论](1)中侏罗世,可将研究区划分为5个沉积体系,各沉积区重矿物组合、全岩地球化学以及碎屑锆石年龄特征相异;(2)研究区物源母岩主要为中—酸性岩浆岩,混有不同程度的再旋回沉积岩;(3)物源区岩石的成因以大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘为主,且普遍受到两期岩浆事件(200~300 Ma和400~500 Ma)的影响;(4)研究区与潜在物源区特征对比显示,A区物源主要来自柴北缘构造带,少量物源来自欧龙布鲁克古地块;B区物源主要来自北偏东方向的南祁连地体;C区和D区物源主要来自近物源供给,推测为北方向的古隆起;E区物源主要来自东部东昆仑鄂拉山附近;(5)研究区在大煤沟组第五段时期,发育多个小型分隔型湖盆,而到了大煤沟第七段时期,小柴旦—红山地区和霍布逊地区湖盆连通,成为统一湖盆.研究结果对于了解柴达木盆地侏罗纪演化,指示青藏高原北缘盆山体系的相互作用以及指导柴北缘东段油气勘探具有科学意义.

[Objective]Jurassic strata are well exposed in the northeastern Qaidam Basin.However,the formation and scale of the Jurassic prototype-basin in this area has been obscured by intense tectonism,and currently remains unclear.Different views have been expressed regarding the original sedimentary relationships of the residual Jurassic depression.[Methods]An integrated analysis of the heavy-mineral assemblages comprising whole-rock geochemistry and U-Pb chronology of detrital zircon was conducted to determine the provenance of the Middle Jurassic in this area.Further,the evolution of Jurassic prototype basin in the study area combined with its paleo-tectonic setting and strati-graphic and sedimentary facies research were discussed.[Results and Conclusions](1)During the Middle Juras-sic,five distinct depositional areas existed in the study area,here designated as areas A,B,C,D and E.(2)The primary source of sediments in the study area was intermediate-to-acidic igneous rock,partially mixed with sedimentary rock.(3)The tectonic setting of the provenance area is dominated by continental island arcs and active continental margin.It is considered that the provenance area was affected by two periods of magmatic events(200-300 and 400-500 Ma).(4)A comparison of the potential source areas and the depositional areas led to the following conclusions:Area A was mainly sourced from the North Qaidam UHP belt near the Xitie Mountain,with minor supplementary ma-terial from the Oulongbuluke Block.Area B was derived from the South Qilian Mountain in the northeast of the study area.Areas C and D,which have relatively low ZTR,are believed to be mainly sourced from near-source paleo-uplift.Area E was mainly sourced from the Ela Mountain in the east of the study area.(5)During the Middle Jurassic,the study area developed as a series of small-scale,isolated depressions until J2d7,then evolved into a larger,partially unified depression.These findings are highly significant for gaining an understanding of the evolution of the Qaidam Basin and the temporal-spatial changes of the basin-mountain system at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.It is also important for guiding oil and gas exploration in the Qaidam Basin.


北京大学造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,北京 100871||北京大学石油与天然气研究中心,北京 100871中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,山东东营 257000



northeastern Qaidam BasinMiddle Jurassicprovenance analysisheavy mineral assemblageselemental geochemistrydetrital zircon U-Pb geochronology

《沉积学报》 2024 (002)

466-485 / 20

中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院专项项目(42141021) Special Project of the SINOPEC Petroleum Explora-tion and Production Research Institute,No.42141021

